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02-28-2022 CC
City Council
Agenda Packets
02-28-2022 CC
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1/28/2025 4:46:40 PM
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7/19/2022 5:46:32 PM
MV Commission Documents
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City Council
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INVESTIGATOR BERLING FOURTH QUARTER INVESTIGATIVE HIGHLIGHTS <br />Since January 1, 2021 Inv. Berling investigated a total of 114 cases. <br />Investigator Berling retired after 16 years of service with his last day being December 9th, 2021. <br />With that being said, Inv. Berling's case load has been closed out or they were passed onto Inv. <br />Nick Erickson as the new investigator. <br />9/22/2021 Inv. Berling assisted in attempting to locate a male who assaulted his girlfriend and <br />shot a round off at the Mermaid. The male was located on the 2300 block of County Road H2. <br />The male shot at a Mounds View officer as well as a Ramsey County Deputy. The Ramsey <br />County Deputy utilized his squad and stopped the threat. The suspect later passed away. Inv. <br />Berling assisted MN BCA with the investigation. The investigation is active and ongoing by the <br />M N BCA. <br />10/7/2021 Inv. Berling investigated a burglary/robbery where the suspect forced his way into <br />an elderly lady residence. The suspect assaulted her and demanded money. The suspect <br />eventually fled the scene and Inv. Berling and Inv. Hellpap pursued the suspect in the <br />neighborhood. After speaking to neighbors in the area, the suspect was later identified. Inv. <br />Berling and Inv. Hellpap put together a photo lineup and the victim picked the suspect out of <br />the lineup. A pickup and hold was put out for the suspect and about a week later he was <br />arrested. The suspect was charged with two counts of 15t Degree Burglary. The suspect has <br />several felony convictions to include burglary simple robbery, felony theft 3rd degree assault, <br />and theft of a person. The suspect was also recently released from prison. <br />10/18/2021 Inv. Berling investigated a phone theft/fraud case where a phone was stolen and <br />illegally transferred money. Inv. Berling sent out subpoenas for Verizon as well as Venmo. No <br />suspect has been identified at this time and the case is currently inactive <br />10/21/2021 Inv. Berling investigated a providing false name of another case (fraud). A traffic <br />stop was conducted and the male driver provided a false name. After further investigation the <br />real identity of the driver was learned and the driver had a felony warrant and a gross <br />misdemeanor warrant out for his arrest. Inv. Berling sent it to the City Attorney and charged <br />the male with gross misdemeanor give false name of another. <br />10/28/2021 Inv. Berling investigated an order for protection violation. After further <br />investigation, the County Attorney declined the charges due to an arrangement with another <br />county to plead guilty to another case. <br />11/2/2021 Inv. Berling investigated a burglary where the suspect broke into a residence and <br />stole thousands of dollars of money and items. The suspect was arrested by officers shortly <br />after receiving the call. During the course of the investigation, money was returned to the <br />owner. The case was sent to the County Attorney where the suspect was charged with Felony <br />2nd Degree Burglary. <br />
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