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Resolution 2009-03b Page 2 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />No prosecution shall be based upon the provisions of an emergency ordinance until twenty-four hours <br />after the ordinance has been adopted, filed with the Clerk-AdministratorCity Administrator, and has <br />either been posted in three conspicuous places in the City, or published as provided for in this Charter, <br />or the person charged with violation thereof had actual notice of the ordinance prior to the act or <br />omission resulting in the prosecution. <br /> <br /> Section 3.07. Signing, and Publication of Ordinances. Every ordinance adopted by the Council <br />shall be signed by the Mayor, and attested to, filed and preserved by the Clerk-AdministratorCity <br />Administrator. Every ordinance shall be published at least once in the official newspaper no earlier <br />than eight (8) calendar days nor later than seventeen (17) calendar days from the date of passage, either <br />in its complete form preceded by a summary of its contents or as a title and summary.1 (Amended by <br />Ordinance 790, Adopted July 23, 2007; Filed: August 29, 2007.) <br />The Ordinance or the Ordinance Title and Summary shall be published in a body type no <br />smaller than brevier or eight-point type. A copy of any new ordinance may be obtained from <br />the City at no cost. The entire text of the ordinance shall be posted on the City’s web site, if <br />there is one, in a manner that can be identifiable by subject matter or ordinance number. A copy <br />shall also be available in the community library, if there is one, or if not, in any other public <br />location which the Council designates. <br /> <br />In the case of lengthy ordinances, or ordinances that include charts or maps, if the <br />Council determines that publication of the title and a summary of an ordinance would clearly <br />inform the public of the intent and effect of the ordinance, the Council may by a four-fifths vote <br />of its members, direct that only the title of the ordinance and a summary be published, with <br />notice that a printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection during regular office hours <br />at the office of the Clerk-AdministratorCity Administrator. Prior to the publication of the title <br />and summary, the Council shall approve the text of the summary and determine that it clearly <br />informs the public of the intent and effect of the ordinance, and shall further state that the <br />complete text of the ordinance is on file at the office of the Clerk-AdministratorCity <br />Administrator. The publishing of the title and summary shall be deemed to fulfill all legal <br />publication requirements as completely as if the entire ordinance had been published. A copy of <br />the publication shall be attached to and filed with the ordinance for reference. To the extent and <br />in the manner provided by law an ordinance may incorporate by reference a statute of <br />Minnesota, a state administrative rule or a regulation, a code or ordinance or part thereof <br />without publishing the material referred to in full, so long as the complete reference to the item <br />is included. (Amended by Ordinance 790, Adopted July 23, 2007; Filed: August 29, 2007.) <br /> <br />Section 3.11. Review and Revision of Ordinances and Indexing of Resolutions. The City shall review, <br />revise and rearrange its ordinance code and its resolution index with such additions and deletions as <br />may be deemed necessary by the Council at least once every two years. The ordinance code and the <br />resolution index may be published in book, pamphlet, or loose-leaf form, and copies shall be made <br />available by the Council at the office of the Clerk-Administrator City Administrator for general <br />distribution to the public for a reasonable charge. Incorporation in such a code shall be a sufficient <br />publication of any ordinance provision not previously published, if a notice is placed in the official <br />newspaper for at least two successive weeks that copies of the codification are available at the office of <br />the Clerk-AdministratorCity Administrator. <br /> <br /> <br />1 It is the intent of the Charter Commission that the Council will determine which is less costly.