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DRAFT <br /> 2. Incorporate proposed expenditures Kevin Carroll 3. Ongoing <br /> into budget process. <br /> 3. Monitor expenditures <br /> Evaluate and make recommendations to the EDA 1. Review project with developer. Kevin Carroll As Needed <br /> regarding requests for use of TIF. 2. Require submission of application Rick Jopke <br /> and deposit. EDC <br /> 3. Submit to TIF Consultant if <br /> necessary&prepare analysis report. <br /> 4. Bring request to EDC for review and <br /> comment. <br /> 5. Formal action from EDA. <br /> Goal No. 3 - Improve the aesthetics and tax value of properties along the Highway 10 Corridor <br /> Objectives to Achieve Goal Action Steps Lead Person(s) Target Date *Status <br /> Implement a Highway 10 Corridor Plan. 1. Incorporate approved design theme Rick Jopke 1. Ongoing <br /> into development projects. Kevin Carroll 2. February <br /> 2. Update Highway 10 Inventory 3. As needed <br /> 3. Call upon the U of M Design 4. As needed <br /> Institute regarding design 5. As needed <br /> implementation strategies. 6. Ongoing <br /> 4. Gain access to State right of way for <br /> streetscapes. <br /> 5. Inform the public and solicit input <br /> through public forums. <br /> 6. Incorporate corridor plan into <br /> ComprehensiveGuide Plan process. <br /> Develop strong relationships with governing agencies 1. Meet with MnDot representatives Rick Jopke 1. As needed <br /> and landowners regarding Highway 10 Corridor Plan. regarding Highway 10 plans. Kevin Carroll 2. Ongoing <br /> 2. Develop/refine understandings 3. As needed <br />