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Exhibit A <br />Section 2.15 Working in Higher Classification Positions <br />Acting pay for an employee may be requested by the Department Head whenever an <br />employee is designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a position in a higher <br />classification for a period that exceeds 30 days. A higher classification is defined as a <br />position that is one (1) or more pay levels above the employee's current pay plan. Any <br />acting appointments require City Administrator and City Council approval. The duration <br />of an interim assignment may not exceed six (6) months, unless authorized by the City <br />Administrator and City Council. <br />The employee in the acting appointment shall be eligible for a temporary increase to, at <br />minimum, the entry rate of the appointed position range, or the step within the interim <br />positions range that is above their current actual salary, not to exceed the interim range <br />cap. The acting pay will be implemented retroactive to the first day of the acting <br />appointment and continue for the duration of the assignment. <br />In the event a step increase or annual adjustment occurs during the time an employee is <br />working in an acting assignment, the acting pay will adjust by the amount of the pay <br />increase the employee would have received during the course of the acting assignment. <br />A non -union employee classified as non-exempt who assumes an acting appointment <br />which is an exempt classification, shall not be eligible for overtime compensation while <br />performing the duties of the acting appointment. Employees covered by union contracts <br />shall be compensated in accordance with the Working Out of Classification provisions of <br />the applicable contract. <br />