<br />) ss.
<br />Carter Johnson, being first duly sworn, on oath states as follows:
<br />1, I am the publisher of the SHOREVIEW PRESS, or the publisher's
<br />designated agent. I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in
<br />this Affidavit, which is made pursuant of Minnesota Statutes §331A.07.
<br />2. The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements to constitute a
<br />qualified newspaper under Minnesota law, including those requirements
<br />found in Minnesota Statutes §331A.02.
<br />3. The dates of the month and the year and day of the week upon which the
<br />public notice attached was published in the newspaper are as follows:
<br />Once a week, for one week, it was published on Tuesday, the 22nd day
<br />of November, 2022.
<br />4. The publisher's lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for
<br />comparable space, as determined pursuant to §331A.06, is as follows:
<br />a) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for
<br />comparable space
<br />b) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter
<br />c) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ 6.54/inch
<br />5, Mortgage Foreclosure Notices. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §580.033
<br />relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The
<br />newspaper's known office of issue is located in Ramsey County. The
<br />newspaper complies with the conditions described in §580.033, subd. 1,
<br />clause (1) or (2). If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in
<br />a county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part
<br />of the mortgaged premises described in the notice are located, a substantial
<br />portion of the newspaper's circulation is in the latter county.
<br />We are a qualified newspaper in the following counties: Anoka, Ramsey
<br />and Washington
<br />BY:
<br />TITLE: Carter Johnson, Publisher
<br />4779 Bloom Avenue
<br />White Bear Lake, MN 55110
<br />Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 22nd day of November, 2022.
<br />Notary Pu is
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<br />• � ` ;�j !'r^.,T,1'r:!�:( Gil- `:,'�l?Ji tan 1,1, 2025
<br />ORDINANCE 994
<br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mounds View City Council will hold a
<br />public hearing during its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, December
<br />12, 2022 at 6:30 p.m, to consider Ordinance 994, an ordinance amending
<br />Section 4.02, Subdivisions 1-4, of the City of Mounds View Charter pertaining
<br />to the Filing for Office. The amendments are as follows:
<br />Section 4.02, subdivisions 1-4 of the Mounds View City Charter is hereby
<br />amended by adding the daubLa ridetlino language and deleting the Weken
<br />language as follows:
<br />Subdivision 1. Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 205.13, subd 1 a, as amend-
<br />ed, an affidavit of candidacy for a city office must be filed within the time frame
<br />specified and in accordance with the Statute with the exception that the fee
<br />portion of the Statute shall be superseded by the following: Any resident of
<br />the City qualified under slate law for elective office may, by filing an affidavit
<br />apd by paying zLkiing tee of $20 or by lift a petition in compliance with MN
<br />S1atite 205.111- subd. 4, as amended, to the City Administrator, have their
<br />name placed on the municipal election ballot. (Amended by Ordinance 736,
<br />Adopted May 10, 2004, Filed May 19, 2004; Amended by Ord. 759, Adopted
<br />June 13. 2005, Filed June 22, 2005; Amended by Ord. 878, Adopted Feb 11.
<br />2013, Effective May 12, 2013.)
<br />scr�di+rl�ie,�•��R;-;.emits: arctwxnsls++dingany-attser-pre�+sren•nl�w-t�
<br />the•eattleafy,-re�f�ar9Bn-m6tr4iit}ifl-be-a-cenelidtrie-fnrrfeetiorrta-a-term-tlls!
<br />wdaid-C&userHlct�erearr{o�ervsYrrore-than-eig�rFloteE�ears-in�;9e•vf4ice-af
<br />kfeyor Grin fli9 trfllee of lty aut4eflmemher eaRttiined t11- 9-94-Election;
<br />'EffeCtirrB-1�-8-9A=F{led�t-S5r
<br />" A city charter provision limiting the term of an elected city official is un-
<br />constitutional and unenforceable. See, Minneapolis Term Limits Coalition v.
<br />Keefe, 535 N.W.2d 306 (Mlnn.1995) (Resolution 5435, 4-24-2000)
<br />Subdivision 3. Service before January 1, 1995 shall not count.toward de-
<br />termining total length of Service. (11-8-94 Election, Effective 12-8-94, Filed
<br />2-21-95)
<br />Subdivision 24, Sevcrability. If any part of this section shall be declared
<br />unconsilutional by caurl, all others shall remain in full force and effect. (11-8-
<br />94 Election, Effective 12-8-94, Filed 2- 21-95)
<br />The public hearing will be held at Mounds View City Hall, 2401 Mounds
<br />View Boulevard, Mounds View, MN 55112. Questions or comments related
<br />to the public hearing may be emalled to aAe_zikmurid0mwnftdownt rg,
<br />made by phone at (763) 717-4001. or mailed to Clty Hall. Comments
<br />submllted through these methods must be received by Monday. Deco mbar
<br />12, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. in order to be considered during the public hearing to
<br />be held later that evening. Please note that any emalls, letters and attach-
<br />ments you send to the olty may be public information arxf elty staff may use
<br />them in staff reports that go to the City Council andlor the public. If you have
<br />any questions regarding this meeting or if you want to. make an appointment to
<br />review the docu mental Ion, please contact me at (763) 7114001.
<br />Nyle Z14mund, City Administrator
<br />Published one time in the Shoreview Press on November 22, 2022.
<br />Misc. Affidavit-SVP-1 Wk.docx
<br />