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CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW, MINNESOTA <br />Combined 2023 Budget All Funds <br />Special Debt Capital Total 2023 2022 <br />General Revenue Service Projects Government Enterprise Total All Total All <br />Fund Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds <br />Expenditures: <br />General government: <br />Personal services 669,155 - - - 669,155 - 669,155 651,230 <br />Supplies 46,500 - - - 46,500 - 46,500 46,500 <br />Contractual services 412,964 - - - 412,964 - 412,964 469,334 <br />Capital outlay - - - - - - - - <br />Public safety <br />Personal services 3,309,659 - - - 3,309,659 - 3,309,659 3,127,452 <br />Supplies 104,255 10,200 - - 114,455 - 114,455 90,855 <br />Contractual services 910,172 500 - - 910,672 - 910,672 912,833 <br />Capital outlay 84,630 - - 218,000 302,630 - 302,630 165,630 <br />Public works <br />Personal services 590,457 - - - 590,457 1,160,374 1,750,831 1,671,499 <br />Supplies 166,393 - - - 166,393 141,888 308,281 291,766 <br />Contractual services 200,414 - - - 200,414 1,958,007 2,158,421 2,167,360 <br />Depreciation - - - - - 380,000 380,000 355,000 <br />Capital outlay - - - 2,708,157 2,708,157 3,025,000 5,733,157 5,838,000 <br />Sanitation <br />Personal services - 18,097 - - 16,163 - 16,163 16,284 <br />Supplies - 750 - - 750 - 750 500 <br />Contractual services - 13,784 - - 15,718 - 15,718 15,847 <br />Culture and recreation: <br />Personal services 391,067 635,826 - - 1,026,893 - 1,026,893 969,598 <br />Supplies 84,878 34,800 - - 119,678 - 119,678 97,328 <br />Contractual services 134,210 325,426 - - 459,636 - 459,636 604,932 <br />Capital outlay - - - 516,615 516,615 - 516,615 332,553 <br />Community & Economic development <br />Personal services 476,020 161,448 - - 637,468 - 637,468 617,392 <br />Supplies 4,365 350 - - 4,715 - 4,715 4,075 <br />Contractual services 42,868 1,906,556 - - 1,949,424 - 1,949,424 1,902,281 <br />Capital outlay (business grant program)- 30,000 - - 30,000 - 30,000 30,000 <br />Miscellaneous <br />Personal services 6,500 - - - 6,500 - 6,500 6,500 <br />Contractual services 108,079 - - - 108,079 - 108,079 100,706 <br />Contingency 35,000 - - - 35,000 - 35,000 - <br />Debt principal 115,475 - 255,000 - 370,475 350,000 720,475 728,025 <br />Interest and fiscal charges 5,634 - 140,320 - 145,954 86,173 232,127 232,482 <br />Total expenditures 7,898,695 3,137,737 395,320 3,442,772 14,874,524 7,101,442 21,975,966 21,445,962 <br />Surplus of revenues over <br />(under) expenditures and 322,352 (461,762) 19,163 (2,493,272) (2,613,519) (3,077,606) (5,691,125) (5,799,268) <br />Other financing sources (uses) <br />Transfers in 220,648 502,622 - 2,040,000 2,763,270 120,000 2,883,270 1,283,641 <br />Transfers out (2,275,000) (102,622) - (147,000) (2,524,622) (358,648) (2,883,270) (1,283,641) <br />Total other fin. sources (uses)(2,054,352) 400,000 - 1,893,000 238,648 (238,648) - - <br />Net change in fund balance <br /> or net assets (1,732,000) (61,762) 19,163 (600,272) (2,374,871) (3,316,254) (5,691,125) (5,799,268) <br />Add: Capital outlay & Debt principal - - - - - 3,375,000 3,375,000 3,245,000 <br />Fund balance, January 1:9,532,716 2,812,129 415,606 3,815,199 16,575,650 12,493,969 29,069,619 29,767,431 <br />Fund balance, December 31 7,800,716 2,750,367 434,769 3,214,927 14,200,779 12,552,715 26,753,494 27,213,163 <br />2