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Technical Report Documentation Page <br />1. Report No. <br />2. <br />3. Recipients Accession No. <br />MN/RC 2014-32 <br />4. Title and Subtitle <br />5. Report Date <br />Assessing the Effects of Heavy Vehicles on Local Roadways <br />August 2014 <br />6 <br />7. Author(s) <br />8. Performing Organization Report No. <br />W. James Wilde <br />9. Performing Organization Name and Address <br />10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. <br />Center for Transportation Research and Implementation <br />11. Contract (C) or Grant (G) No. <br />Minnesota State University, Mankato <br />342 Trafton Science Center N. <br />Mankato, MN 56001 <br />(c) 98108 <br />12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address <br />13. Type of Report and Period Covered <br />Minnesota Local Road Research Board <br />Final Report <br />14. Sponsoring Agency Code <br />Minnesota Department of Transportation <br />Research Services & Library <br />395 John Ireland Boulevard, MS 330 <br />St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-1899 <br />15. Supplementary Notes <br /> <br />16. Abstract (Limit: 250 words) <br />This report documents the development of an analysis procedure and an associated computation tool to <br />estimate the impact of heavy vehicles on local agency pavements. The heavy vehicles of interest are those <br />which were not anticipated at the time the pavement structure was designed, but which cause additional <br />damage and thus create the need for rehabilitation or reconstruction sooner than expected. These <br />unexpected heavy vehicles could be generated by new industrial facilities, mining activities, changes in <br />urban waste collection patterns, temporary heavy construction in a limited geographical area, or for other <br />reasons. The tool described in this report implements the procedure, and provides users with the ability to <br />analyze a single roadway segment (for detailed impacts estimates) or an agency's entire network (for <br />summary statistics over the system). The tool provides estimates of the percent of originally intended life <br />that may be used by the unanticipated vehicles, the additional pavement structure that would have been <br />required at construction to accommodate the additional vehicles, and the additional damage that they <br />cause. The tool is contained in a macro -enabled Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and does not need additional <br />files or external functionality to conduct an analysis. <br />17. Document Analysis/Descriptors <br />18. Availability Statement <br />Pavement damage, pavements, deterioration, heavy vehicles, <br />No restrictions. Document available from: <br />software <br />National Technical Information Services, <br />Alexandria, VA 22312 <br />19. Security Class (this report) <br />20. Security Class (this page) <br />21. No. of Pages <br />22. Price <br />Unclassified <br />Unclassified <br />49 <br />