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MOUNDS 1VIEw <br />City of Mounds View Staff Report <br />Item No: 07A <br />Meeting Date: December 14, 2009 <br />Type of Business: PH & CB <br />Administrator Review: <br />To: Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />From: James Ericson, Clerk -Administrator <br />Item Title/Subject: Public Hearing, Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance <br />839, an Ordinance Amending Section 7.05 of the Mounds <br />View City Charter Relating to the Adoption of the Five -Year <br />Financial Plan <br />Background <br />At the request of the City, the Charter Commission has been discussing an amendment to <br />Section 7.05 of the Mounds View City Charter pertaining to the Five -Year Financial Plan. <br />As originally drafted, this Section required for the Five -Year Plan to be adopted by <br />Ordinance. The Charter Commission has discussed the amendment at multiple meetings <br />and a resolution was adopted proposing new language. The City Council considered the <br />new language at their meeting on November 23, 2009, and while the first reading of the <br />ordinance amending the Charterwas approved, the City Attorney suggested a revision be <br />made to eliminate the reference "adoption as if it were adopted by ordinance." The <br />Charter Commission considered the request at their meeting on December 9, 2009, <br />approving a new resolution with language consistent with the City Attorney's <br />recommendation. <br />nisrussinn <br />The Mounds View City Charter presently requires that the Five -Year Financial Plan be <br />adopted by ordinance. Because of the additional steps necessary to adopt an ordinance <br />and because of the nature of the subject matter, the City asked that the Charter <br />Commission revisit Section 7.05 to eliminate the "adoption by ordinance" requirement. <br />The Charter Commission agreed, and adopted a resolution recommending new language <br />via their Resolution 2009-05a on October 14, 2009. While the new language did not <br />require adoption by ordinance, language remained which referenced as much, creating the <br />potential for confusion. Believing that a subsequent tweak to the language would be <br />favorably considered by the Charter Commission, the City Council approved the first <br />reading of the Ordinance. <br />The Charter Commission met on December 9, 2009 to consider new language which <br />addressed the City's concern while still satisfying the Charter Commission's intent. The <br />new language in Section 7.05 will now require that the Five -Year Financial be approved <br />after holding a "noticed" public hearing. The approval mechanism (resolution, ordinance, <br />voice vote, etc.) is left up to the discretion of the Council. <br />