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Barb Benesch <br />From: Jim Ericson <br />Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 5:19 PM <br />To: 'JThomas'; Jason Reiling; Brian Amundsen; Jim Battin; James Miller <br />Cc: Mark Beer; Nick DeBar <br />Subject: Charter Commission Meeting - Oct 10 12, 2012 <br />Attachments: Chp8upd_9-1 2-1 2.pdf <br />Good afternoon Charter Commission Members. <br />I've had an opportunity to watch the Commission's Oct 10th meeting and review the Chapter 8 draft <br />version dated Sep 12, 2012, and have a few observations and comments to share. I apologize in <br />advance for the long (LONG!) message but feel the points are worth articulating. <br />First, there was some discussion about Line 5. I too wondered about the draft language and I'm not <br />sure how that was resolved. I'll await the revised version before the next meeting. Keep in mind that <br />the City adopts a Tax Levy. We do not levy "revenues" or "dedicated revenues", although clearly the <br />taxes levied represent revenues of the City, once collected. We can levy taxes FOR dedicated <br />purposes, of course, which is essentially what we do every year when we adopt a budget --a certain <br />amount is levied for administration, a certain amount is levied for public safety, a certain amount is <br />levied for the street improvement program, and so on. <br />Regarding the proposed definition of Dedicated Revenue in Line 44, is it intended to be limited to <br />ONLY dollars collected through an assessment process? The word "assess" or "assessed" would <br />suggest the act of certifying a special assessment upon a property. The word "collected" would seem <br />to convey a more generic and appropriate description, in my opinion. <br />Still in Line 44/45, if "Dedicated Revenue" means monies collected for a "specific public improvement <br />or purpose..." then ALL taxes levied and collected would be defined as Dedicated Revenue, as the <br />general fund levy supports very specific purposes within the operation of the City. "Public <br />Improvement" alone in the definition would make sense, but not the addition of "or purpose". <br />Finally, to close out this definition in Line 44/45, and I paraphrase, "dedicated revenues are monies <br />collected for a specific public improvement from businesses, citizens and residents of the City." Is it <br />not redundant to indicate citizens and residents? Who are these citizens of the city? <br />In line 6, to restate what I indicate above, I think "collect" is preferable over "assess" for the reasons <br />noted, especially since it looks like you were intending to remove assessment in the first place. What <br />about the following, instead: <br />"The City may make any type of public improvement not forbidden by law, and collect dedicated <br />revenue to pay all or any part of the cost..." <br />But removing or separating this Chapter from special assessments would seem to pose other issues <br />that would need to be addressed. <br />At the tail end of the above sentence in Line 7, the reference to "as are of a local character" would no <br />longer seem to apply with the expanded reference to dedicated revenue. For example, let's say the <br />