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410.12 AMENDMENTS.​ <br />Subdivision 1.Proposals.The charter commission may propose amendments to such charter and shall​ <br />do so upon the petition of voters equal in number to five percent of the total votes cast at the last previous​ <br />state general election in the city. Proposed charter amendments must be submitted at least 17 weeks before​ <br />the general election. Only registered voters are eligible to sign the petition. All petitions circulated with​ <br />respect to a charter amendment shall be uniform in character and shall have attached thereto the text of the​ <br />proposed amendment in full; except that in the case of a proposed amendment containing more than 1,000​ <br />words, a true and correct copy of the same may be filed with the city clerk, and the petition shall then contain​ <br />a summary of not less than 50 nor more than 300 words setting forth in substance the nature of the proposed​ <br />amendment. Such summary shall contain a statement of the objects and purposes of the amendment proposed​ <br />and an outline of any proposed new scheme or frame work of government and shall be sufficient to inform​ <br />the signers of the petition as to what change in government is sought to be accomplished by the amendment.​ <br />The summary, together with a copy of the proposed amendment, shall first be submitted to the charter​ <br />commission for its approval as to form and substance. The commission shall within ten days after such​ <br />submission to it, return the same to the proposers of the amendment with such modifications in statement​ <br />as it may deem necessary in order that the summary may fairly comply with the requirements above set​ <br />forth.​ <br />Subd. 1a.Alternative methods of charter amendment.A home rule charter may be amended only by​ <br />following one of the alternative methods of amendment provided in subdivisions 1 to 7.​ <br />Subd. 2.Petitions.The signatures to such petition need not all be appended to one paper, but to each​ <br />separate petition there shall be attached an affidavit of the circulator thereof as provided by this section. A​ <br />petition must contain each petitioner's signature in ink or indelible pencil and must indicate after the signature​ <br />the place of residence by street and number, or other description sufficient to identify the place. There shall​ <br />appear on each petition the names and addresses of five electors of the city, and on each paper the names​ <br />and addresses of the same five electors, who, as a committee of the petitioners, shall be regarded as responsible​ <br />for the circulation and filing of the petition. The affidavit attached to each petition shall be as follows:​ <br />)​State of .........................................................​ <br />) ss.​ <br />)​County of .....................................................​ <br />.............. ................. being duly sworn, deposes and says that the affiant, and the affiant only, personally​ <br />circulated the foregoing paper, that all the signatures appended thereto were made in the affiant's presence,​ <br />and that the affiant believes them to be the genuine signatures of the persons whose names they purport to​ <br />be.​ <br />Signed ............................​ <br />(Signature of Circulator)​ <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me​ <br />this ....... day of ...... .......​ <br />Notary Public (or other officer)​ <br />authorized to administer oaths​ <br />Copyright © 2018 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.​ <br />410.12​MINNESOTA STATUTES 2018​1​