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Mounds View Charter Commission Minutes - APPROVED <br />Tuesday, January 18, 2022 <br />1.Call to Order. Regular meeting came to order at 6:30 PM. <br />This was a hybrid meeting with members present at City hall with B. Clawson and R. Scholl on video <br />conference call. <br />2.Roll Call. Present: B. Amundsen (Secretary), B. Clawson, D. Erickson, Bob King Jr., M. Munson, <br />J. Peterson, R. Scholl, R. Warren (Chair) <br />Excused: G. Quick <br />Absent: <br /> Also present: Council Liaison Gary Meehlhause, City Administrator Nyle Zikmund, City <br />Attorney Joseph Sathey, Kennedy & Gravens. <br />3.Approval of Agenda and Minutes. <br />A. Approve Agenda. <br />Chair R. Warren introduced the Preliminary Agenda. <br />MOTION, by B. Amundsen, and seconded, by J. Peterson, to adopt the Preliminary Agenda as <br />presented. Roll call vote: R. Warren-aye, R. Scholl-aye, B. Clawson-aye, B. Amundsen-aye, D. Erickson- <br />aye, B. King Jr.-aye, M. Munson-aye, J. Peterson-aye; with all present voting aye Motion Adopted. <br />B. Approve Minutes. <br />Chair R. Warren asked for review of the Secretary's November 26, 2021, minutes. <br />MOTION, by B. King Jr., and seconded, by M. Munson to approve the Minutes as presented. Roll call <br />vote: R. Warren-aye, R. Scholl-aye, B. Clawson-aye, B. Amundsen-aye, D. Erickson-aye, B. King Jr.-aye, <br />M. Munson-aye, J. Peterson-aye; with all present voting aye Motion Adopted. <br />4.Citizens Comment from the Floor. <br />None. <br />5.Reports of Chair. <br />Chair R. Warren reported he attended and spoke at the city council December 13, 2021, meeting at which <br />the Council approved Ordinance 984 by 5/0. City Administrator Nyle Zikmund reported it is pending to see <br />if a petition is submitted within the 60 days after adopting, the petition would need to be submitted by <br />February 15, 2022 (the date was later corrected to Feb 22). <br />6.Reports of Members. <br />Various members discussed the participation of a commission member in circulation of a petition in the city, <br />regarding ordinance 984, changing the Charter language on taxation. Various members discussed the charter <br />and role of the charter commission in a home rule charter city. <br />7.Unfinished Business. <br />A. Chapter 4 Nominations and Elections. Chair R. Warren introduced the topic for discussion. Commission <br />discussion occurred about potential problems and potential changes to the chapter language. In response to a <br />question from Chair R. Warren J. Peterson provided a brief review of the issues previously documented that <br />may need solutions. B. Amundsen recommended the commission re-look at the chapter first for statute <br />conflict issues then move on to the vacancy appointment time frame, of the council's concern. Attorney <br />Joseph Sathe responded to discussion about language reference points and stated the chapter should <br />reference MN statute and not county processes. After further discussion on how to start the review process, <br />Chair R. Warren appointed B. Amundsen, J. Peterson, and D. Erickson, as a subcommittee to document <br />three issues, with solutions, and report back to the Commission at the next meeting. <br />Page 1 of 2