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3/29/2022 <br />Mosnv_D�vV <br />2021 Q3 <br />Results/Accomplishments <br />Vision: Financial Stability & Structurally Balanced Budgets <br />Goal: Operate under a balanced budget that meets the <br />needs and goals of the community without reliance <br />upon the levy reduction fund and LGA funds <br />Completed: Adopted the 5 Year Financial Plan and <br />incorporated proposed capital expenditures into draft <br />budgets. Departments prepared requests for Other Funds <br />draft budgets (Special Projects, Debt Service, Capital <br />Projects, and Enterprise (Utility) Funds) which were <br />reviewed at the October work session <br />AM <br />mour nslViEw <br />2021 Q3 Results/Accomplishments <br />Vision: A progressive community that is a welcoming, and <br />desirable destination to all ages & cultures, who seeks <br />progress through partnerships, and where residents can <br />work, live, and play safely and show pride in the community <br />Goal: Continue community outreach programs. Focus on <br />diversity events and public relation activities. <br />Completed: <br />1. NRO conducted numerous outreach events, many tried <br />for the first time <br />2. Continued National Night Out, numerous rock wall events <br />3. Numerous crime prevention presentations, community <br />presentations <br />AM <br />MQUNOS ]vim <br />2021 Q3 Results/Accomplishments <br />Vision: Maintain and plan for infrastructure improvements <br />including waste water, water, & transportation <br />Goal: Maintain the existing street fund levy, identify <br />malntonan ce areas and a ga rleral list of Wrastructu ra <br />Issues and develop a maintenance plan to address those <br />needs within the confines of a realistic and sustainable <br />budget <br />Completed: <br />1. Monitor street fund levy for maximum efficiency B effectiveness <br />$150,000 street improvement fund levy was included in preliminary <br />levy for 2022. <br />2, 10 year street improvement and maintenance schedule, pads <br />capital improvement plan (CIP), and vehicle replacement schedule <br />has been updated and incorporated into the adopted 5 Year <br />Financial Plan into the 2022 draft budgets <br />Ma r NTEEW <br />2021 Q3 Results/Accomplishments <br />Vision: A progressive community that is a welcoming, and <br />desirable destination to all ages & cultures, who seeks <br />progress through partnerships, and where residents can work, <br />live, and play safely and show pride in the community <br />Goal: Increase enforcement and responsiveness to drugs, <br />traffic, code violations, and petty crimes. <br />Completed: <br />1. VCET continued to make major narcotics arrests <br />2. DUI officer recognized for amount of arrests, citations, and <br />quality of work <br />3. Officers back to pre-pandemic/unrest levels of proactive <br />activity despite climate <br />ff ] <br />2021 Q3 Results/Accomplishments <br />Vision: A progressive community that is a welcoming, and <br />desirable destination to all ages & cultures, who seeks <br />progress through partnerships, and where residents can <br />work, live, and play safely and show pride in the community <br />Goal: Network with other communities and organizations <br />Completed: <br />1. Continued partnership with Police Foundation <br />2. Partnered with Ramsey County in Collaborative Sexual <br />Assault reform <br />3, Joint PD/SBM softball game for outreach and morale <br />4. NRO worked to revive apartment coalition and meetings <br />WUNDw& <br />S OV <br />2021 Q3 Results/Accomplishments <br />Vision: Maintain and plan for infrastructure improvements <br />including waste water, water, & transportation <br />Goal: Maintain and expand parks & trails program and the <br />beautification of Mounds View Boulevard as a uniter and <br />not a divider. ID funding sources Including outside funds <br />such as grants and other creative and non-traditional <br />funding sources such as non-profit groups <br />Completed: <br />Consider band shell, memorial museum: researched other <br />communities who already have these amenities, id costs both <br />traditional & non-traditional and potential locations. (Part of the <br />MV Blvd improvements) <br />