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Hi Nyle <br />We spoke last week on the topic of charter commissioner removal and Mounds View's proposal to amend Minn. Stat. <br />410.05 for commissioner removal by council supermajority vote. <br />Christina Van Nevel, the law clerk in the Research Department, did a great job of putting together some research, which <br />is attached to this email. She surveyed the laws in more than half the states and didn't find anything similar to the <br />method Minnesota uses. Many states don't have any removal process, some states dissolve a charter commission after <br />the city adopts the charter, and some states don't have charter commissions. No other state she surveyed removes a <br />charter commissioner by a judicial officer. <br />Please let me know if we can help with any further research or information. Questions about the policymaking side can <br />be addressed to Anne Finn on the Intergovernmental Relations team. <br />Sincerely, <br />Kevin Toskey I Staff Attorney <br />Phone: (651) 281-1292 <br /> <br />League of Minnesota Cities 1 145 University Ave. West I St. Paul, MN 55103 <br />www.ime.ora I Facebook I Twitter I Podcast <br />Please note, this information is not legal advice. Consult with your city attorney concerning specific legal situations. <br />