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Mounds View Charter Commission Minutes - APPROVED <br />Tuesday, September 20, 2022 <br />1.Call to Order. Regular meeting came to order at 6:30 PM. <br />2.Roll Call. Present: B. Amundsen (Secretary), B. Clawson, D. Erickson, J. Peterson, <br />G. Quick, R. Warren <br />Excused: R. Scholl <br />Absent: Bob King Jr., M. Munson <br />Also present: Council Liaison Gary Meehlhause, City Administrator Nyle Zikmund, <br />and City Attorney Joe Sathe of Kennedy and Graven (K&G) <br />3.Approval of Agenda and Minutes. <br />A. Approve Agenda. <br />Chair R. Warren introduced the Preliminary Agenda. <br />MOTION, by J. Peterson, and seconded, by B. Clawson, to adopt the Preliminary Agenda as presented. <br />Discussion for changes was requested, none were offered. Motion Adopted. <br />B. Approve Minutes. <br />Chair R. Warren asked for review of the Secretary's July 19, 2022, minutes. <br />MOTION, by B. Amundsen, and seconded, by J. Peterson, to approve the Minutes as presented. <br />Discussion for changes was requested, none were offered. Motion Adopted. <br />4.Citizens Comment from the Floor. <br />City Administrator Zikmund and K&G Joe Sathe clarified the Open Meeting allowance for electronic <br />meetings, now that the health emergency has ended. Electronic meetings can only occur from public <br />locations, with only a few exceptions for military and emergencies. This means publicly elected or <br />appointed members can not join from a private location. Public locations are where the public has free <br />access to join the meeting and listen and see all members participating. Chair R. Warren thanked them for <br />the clarification and direction going forward for charter commissioners. <br />5.Reports of Chair. <br />Chair R. Warren acknowledged receipt of an email from the Court about the four openings, of the Charter <br />Commission, which will be filled from applications received by the September deadline. <br />6.Reports of Members. <br />No Commission members made reports. <br />7.Unfinished Business. <br />A. Chapter 4 Nominations and Elections. Chair R. Warren asked Secretary B. Amundsen to discuss the <br />status of the resolutions regarding Chapter 4 and thanked K&G Attorney Joe Sathe for writing the exhibit <br />documents included with each resolution. Discussion occurred on how to proceed with the resolutions. The <br />Commission consensus was to address each resolution individually and not as a group. <br />Item 1) Resolution 2022-03 regarding definition of vacancy. <br />MOTION, by B. Amundsen, and seconded, by J. Peterson, to approve Resolution 2022-03 amending <br />Chapter 4.05, subdivision 1, as presented in the resolution and exhibit and recommended the <br />Council adopt by ordinance. Discussion occurred with review of the resolution and exhibit to amend <br />Chapter 4.05 with a reference to vacancy determination found in Chapter 2.05. Motion Adopted. <br />Item 2) Resolution 2022-04 Special Election timing. <br />MOTION, by B. Amundsen, and seconded, by J. Peterson, to approve Resolution 2022-04 amending <br />Chapter 4.05 subdivision 1 and 2, as presented in the resolution and exhibit and recommend the <br />Council adopt by ordinance. Discussion occurred. Attorney Joe Sathe explained that he had updated the <br />Page 1 of 2