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Secretary's Report of Typo and Date inconsistency Items prior to Codification of Charter. <br />History: <br />The City in 2020 conducted a City Code review and hired American Legal Publishing (ALP) to review <br />the City Code updates and codify or check them for certain legal consistencies. The ALP editors also <br />reviewed the City Charter, because it is referenced in the City Code. The ALP editors then created a <br />report including a section on “typographical” inconsistencies in the City Charter. The following is that <br />report's section on the City Charter and suggested updates or changes. <br />21)We have noted some inconsistencies within your charter. <br />A) For instance, numbers are not consistently expressed. In some instances, the word is <br />written out followed by the digit in parentheses and at other times, only the number is used. <br />Thus: “... at least fourteen ( 14) calendar days....” versus “... at least 14 calendar days....” We <br />suggest creating and maintaining consistency in this regard even in your charter. <br />B) Additionally, some of the sections with multiple paragraphs contain “ subdivision” <br />captions, but not all do. Again, the format should be made consistent. <br />22)Section 2.06 The Mayor’ s power and duties. Please note that there is an extraneous <br />“Subdivision 1” caption at the beginning of the first paragraph, which should be deleted. <br />23)Section 3.01 Council meetings. Please note that this section contains two instances in which <br />“twenty- four hours notice” should have an apostrophe after the term “hours” such that it should <br />appear, “ twenty-four hours’ notice.” <br />24)Section 3.07 Signing, and publication of ordinances. Please note that this section contains an <br />instance in which “four- fifths vote” should contain an apostrophe after “four- fifths” so that it <br />should appear , “four- fifths’ vote.” <br />25)Section 4.04 Special and advisory elections except for elected office. Please note that this <br />section contains an instance of “fifteen days prior notice,” in which an apostrophe should be <br />inserted after “days” so that it should appear, “fifteen days’ prior notice.” <br />26)Section 4.05 Vacancy of municipal elected office. Please note that in subdivision 5., the term <br />“120 day period” should contain a hyphen so that it should appear, “120-day period.” <br />27)Section 6.03 Duties of the City Administrator. Please note that this section contains a reference <br />to Chapter 106 of the City Code. In order to assist code book users in locating this referenced <br />material, this reference should be revised to read §32. 015 based upon where it will appear in <br />the re-codification. <br />28)Section 8.06 Certification of administrative offense penalties. Please note that the ordinance <br />history at the bottom of this section does not have a passage month, only a day and year. You <br />may wish to include the month, if known. <br />Please clearly advise whether any specific revisions should be made to the charter in light of the <br />Update: March 2, 2023 page 1 of 4