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Charter Commission of Mounds View, MN Secretary Duties <br />Duties of Secretary <br />•Prepare the records of the Commission as necessary and directed by the Commission. <br />•Prepare a draft of the minutes from Commission meetings. <br />◦include votes <br />◦excluding what was said. <br />•Submit to the Chief Judge the Commission resolution to declare a commission position open, <br />due to a member failing to attend four consecutive meetings, without being excused by the <br />Commission. <br />•Submit to Chief Judge the Commission Chair Annual Report per the bylaws and statute date. <br />•Submit to City Administrator the Commission Chair Annual Report <br />•Communicate to the Court the election of officers and any bylaw changes, every other year. <br />Practical Implementation <br />At the meeting take notes for each agenda item, recording who made and seconded a motion, Ask for <br />clarification of motion if not written and presented. Record the vote of the motion. <br />About three weeks prior to next meeting prepare the draft minutes from meeting notes and compare to <br />the video stream to capture any missing important information you feel should be included..Correct the <br />previous months draft minutes, as directed by the Commission, mark as “APPROVED” and send to <br />City Administrator, for archive and posting. Be sure to apply attestation to the bottom of the documents <br />as necessary. <br />Prepare other documents the Commission may have requested, unless the task was assigned to another <br />Commission member. Example, the resolution for meeting dates, a resolution to change charter or by- <br />laws language, Use document change control for revision documentation. Communicate, via email, <br />with city attorney for assistance with resolution and ordinance language changes. <br />Send to the commission chair the preliminary agenda, if set at previous meeting by Commission, and <br />other meeting documents for review, apply any modifications you and chair agree are needed to the <br />documents. Receive any documents the Chair is preparing for the meeting. If revisions of charter <br />language are prepared by legal, then they are also sent to the chair for review. <br />No later than one week prior to the meeting, send the draft documents (minimum of agenda and <br />minutes) and previously “approved” minutes to all Commission members and the City Administrator, <br />for posting on the website and making a public copy available. Sending means by email or mail. The <br />Commission members should have the documents in sufficient time to review and research, if they <br />desire to, prior to meeting. <br />All Commission approved resolutions need the chair's signature and secretary's attestation, then <br />scanned for electronic archive, prior to sending to City Administrator, for archive and posting as <br />needed. <br />Communicate with city attorney as directed by the Commission, or the commission chair. <br />Updated: 03/02/23 Page 1 of 1