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<br /> MOUNDS �?� ”FRIENDS
<br /> . � _I. Co.Rd.l ll B� FRIENDS OF.
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<br /> •:= TCAAP„
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<br /> WINTER 1995
<br /> I- - `'« SHORE-
<br /> --ij� . VIEW
<br /> WELCOME BACK!! phone calls and letter at home (it's part of the job).
<br /> Following are committee representatives and the consti-
<br /> tuency they represent: Dorothy McClung - Arden
<br /> Hills citizens, Frank Blasiak - Moundsview citi-
<br /> WELCOME TO THE WINTER 1995 ISSUE OF zens, George Gregori- New Brighton citizens,
<br /> "FRIENDS"!! Jan Haeberlin - Shoreview citizens, Terry Nagle
<br /> This newsletter is produced with your donations to keep -business, LeEtta Flicker - economic readjust-
<br /> you and your neighbors informed about happenings at ment, Nancy Nagler-homeless providers, James
<br /> •
<br /> the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP). Holte-labor, Craig Andresen -environment, Paul
<br /> Because of the invaluable assets the TCAAP presents Donley - school district 621, Thomas Ryan -MN
<br /> to our community, and because the Army is proposing National Guard, John Hustad -State of MN, Dick
<br /> to "excess" the property In the near future, your Wedell (Chair) - Ramsey county, Dennis Probst -
<br /> involvement is essential to ensure citizen/resident inter- City of Arden Hills, Diane Wuori - City of
<br /> ests are addressed. We hope this newsletter will keep Moundsview, Marsha Soucheray - City of Shore-
<br /> up your interest, knowledge and involvement!! view, Matt Fulton- City of New Brighton, Molly
<br /> Grove -Rep. Vento's office, Sara Stoesz -Sen.
<br /> Wellstone's office, and Jim Dommel - Sen.
<br /> Durenberger's office. Questions about this commit-
<br /> REP. VENTO CONVENES tee or a schedule for its meeting dates can be obtained
<br /> by calling Ms. Molly Grove at Rep. Vento's office
<br /> 1`1'EE (phone = 224-4503):
<br /> As noted in the previous newsletter, Congressman
<br /> Bruce Vento has established a TCAAP Reutilization
<br /> Committee to make recommendations for re-use of the NEW MEMBERS OF
<br /> TCAAP site. The committee meets once a month at the
<br /> TCAAP, and meetings are generally open to the public "FRIENDS"
<br /> (next meeting is Sat, Jan. 21, 10 am. to noon in
<br /> Building 105). To date, the committee has mostly dealt The people listed below, your friends and neighbors,
<br /> with organizational issues and a general introduction to have become the newest members of "Friends of the
<br /> the TCAAP facility and the de-commissioning process. TCAAP". Members of "Friends" recieve this newsletter
<br /> Over the next 9 months they should develop and refine and other pertinent alerts relative to happenings at the
<br /> a plan for re-use. Proposals Rep. Vento has received to TCAAP (e.g., walks, meetings, etc.). If you have not
<br /> date for use of the property (besides open space) already done so, please consider joining them by
<br /> include: housing for homeless people, baseball fields, sending a donation of $5 (or more!) to help us pay for
<br /> • •
<br /> county/city maintenance facility, Arden Hills city hall, ski printing and mailing costs for a year. Please send your
<br /> jump, businesses, expansion of driver's training facility, donation (payable to POSE) to: Tom Landwehr, 5610
<br /> road improvements, shooting ranges and schools. Albert St., Shoreview, MN 55126. Thanks to all current
<br /> and future"Friends"!
<br /> Committee members need to hear from you so
<br /> that your concerns are addressed; they expect Bert&Mary Larson, Bob & Phyllis Schutta, David
<br />