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05-24-84 Agenda & Packet
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05-24-84 Agenda & Packet
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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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trots are very similar. This has increased grounds contain events which require which the features and benefits of vaFious <br /> safety and made the rental car industry motor coordination,balance ability, tlexi- systems can be contrasted would be use- <br /> possible. But such uniformity has not pre- bility and strength. ful. <br /> vented the creation of a very wide assort- DEVELOPMENTAL: Playgrounds Product comparisons are always of <br /> ment of autos. should offer events which will challenge limited value because the products keep <br /> As buyers and specifiers of playground a wide range of skills and ages. changing,the person doing the rating can- <br /> equipment we have a great deal of power SAFE: Modern playgrounds must con- not be totally objective,and your specific <br /> to influence the features and options form to the Consumer Product Safety application may not be fully examined.• <br /> which will be available in the future. It Commission's guidelines. The safe play- However limited, ratings do help clarify <br /> is an important responsibility to apply cri- ground not only has fewer accidents,but our thinking and provide a model on <br /> teria to our purchases which will support also encourages more inventive and crea- which we can build our own evaluations. <br /> the emergence of effective and excellent tive play because the children are able to Given that the following information will <br /> products. take greater risks with less fear of injury. be something less than the whole story, <br /> In my article on playgrounds, "It's These six principles, when applied to let us examine a variety of products along <br /> Time for Creative Play"(Parks and Ret.- playground design,produce environments the criteria we have determined as offer- <br /> realinn, September 1982) I pointed out in which the children play longer, show ing improved benefits. The products se- <br /> ttee need for creative play experiences for less aggressive and more cooperative be- lected for comparison are those available <br /> children and the quality a good play- havior,have improved self-concepts,de- nationally and manufactured by com- <br /> ground should exhibit. Those attributes velop better language skills, and engage panies established more than five years. <br /> can be briefly summarized as: in more novel and physically demanding While other manufacturers may offer <br /> COMPLEX: The environment should motor activity than on traditional play- similar products, their long term perfor- <br /> contain as many different types of experi- grounds. mance is not known and their availability <br /> ences as possible. To the six principles we must add a and support are problematical. <br /> LINKED: Playevents should be con- seventh requirement: Durability. Play- <br /> nected to create a natural"flow"of play ground equipment has to be nearly inde- PLAYEVENT CHART <br /> activity. structible. This is imperative not only be- In our six criteria we listed complexity, <br /> SOCIAL: The total environment cause most agencies have limited mainte- challenge and development as positive <br /> should foster interaction between children nancc capacity, but also because equip- qualities. A complete analysis of each <br /> and playevents should be designed for ment failure may lead to injury and all product would be impossible in this short <br /> group use. its negative consequences. article. Instead we can only evaluate the <br /> FLEXIBLE: Playground flexibility can types of playevents each system offers <br /> be both mechanical, i.e., equipment APPLYING THE STANDARDS with the assumption that an environment <br /> mounted on springs, or functional, i.e., Currently there are several products which presents many different types of <br /> events which can be used in many differ- which are so similar that it is difficult to play activities will tend to offer complexi- <br /> ent ways. be certain that your selections are the very ty and challenges appropriate to a variety <br /> CHALLENGING: Creative play- best possible. Thus some method by of ages. <br /> 41/ <br /> *PLAYEVENT CHART <br /> SWINGS SLIDES CLIMBERS STRENGTH BALANCE OTHER <br /> u <br /> a <br /> u N <br /> 00 ' -o p <br /> ed <br /> t!+. y v E <br /> el e „'W WA :°vv u.t urn, xi 8.o= E mi e <br /> tv m��'4v co OtJUA, , , c v� <br /> o'3v D'NEnFA�o `uv' U E... EU.... me c '- u'H u u o F' ° z, ra <br /> tr.,,, , o >`3^A' 'OUtU cq „c., <br /> '.0 . C.E•s mu C �.iy'.g Ge 04 °3 .'z'I C 1... <br /> o.- x 0-- `°'is,o., o ,u u o o.� o:4 a o.^ 1 ' �a"'3 0 t° ro'R B O <br /> F-.1-.w in33rnxwwt-- a2Q�..thaFe. t—Vn.Xc2 - mv)mco..1x6� xocar:, t-, <br /> Manufacturer/Product <br /> Game Time <br /> DuraScapes X X X X X X X X X 9 <br /> Timb"R"Scapes X 4. X X X OX X X XXXX X X O O X X 19 <br /> Mod"U"Logs X X` X XX X 0 XXX X XXXX X X O X X X 21 <br /> Landscape Structures <br /> Playstructures X X X XX XX XXX X X X XX XXXX X XX 22 <br /> Mexico Forge <br /> PlayBoosters XXX XX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXXX OX XXXX 31 <br /> Miracle <br /> Mark IV XX X XX X X X 8 <br /> Natureville X X XXXX X X XX X X 0 X X 15 <br /> Steelville X XXXX X X XXX X X X 0 X 15 <br /> Northwest Design Products <br /> BigToys X X X 0 X X X X X X X 11 <br /> Schoolyard BigToys X X X 0 XXX XX X X XXXXX XXX 0 X X X 23 <br /> Timberform <br /> Play Towers X 0 X X X X X <br /> Play Areas X XOX X XX X XX XX X <br /> Play Platforms X X X X X X X X X X X 11110 <br /> 'Data taken from 1982/83 Catalogs <br />
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