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• ....;- allows more air to be trapped in the five years old, which look as fresh as <br /> '1 windrows, a vital element needed for the day they were collected.That's be- Js. <br /> the decomposition process. When cause the decomposition process has ��..^_ <br /> temperatures reach upwards of 140°to stopped. If the piles of windrows areolio <br /> ` :Pk �'� <br /> 160°, the windrows arc ready to be not turned regularly and the oxygen is <br /> turned. depleted, you will get a sudden awa- �'- / <br /> The 11 windrows are - rned over kening when you turn the piles for the <br /> every month, and the finished pr uct first time. It's known as the presence <br /> is ready in about nine months. Ac- of anaerobic bacteria — the odor of.. 4 „�y <br /> cording to John Van Vorst,Supervisor bacteria that work in the absence of ;>> ` <br /> of Parks and director of the compost- air.To eliminate one of the sorest spots + i I <br /> ing program, "the turning process is • in,an community's composting..nro •- <br /> essential because it does not take long gram, turn the leaves regularly when ,! <br /> for the bacteria to use upall the avail- -. ��•: `� r ' . <br /> possible and if it's not possible to turn, .... <br /> able air in the piles, after which the then when you do,turn a little at a time Composting leaves saves tax dollars for <br /> decomposition process slows right so as to have the least amount of nrtnr increasing number of cities. <br /> down to a stop." possible. And contrary to what many <br /> Adds Van Vorst, "Many communi- observers think, the adding of pul- <br /> 1 ties have piles of leaves, three,four or verized lime to the leaf piles to elimi- nate odor problems does little good <br /> whatsoever. The oder usually dissi- <br /> pates within cevrral furs, unless <br /> there is a drainage problem and the <br /> The International Journal On Waste Rec clip <br /> — y g • • stagnant water is present. In that case. <br /> C.A•AT05T CCI r 15 ?Jaw S a good masking agent should be ob- <br /> tained."7 `�G tained." <br /> �\DeNet c ' ` 5 {,,. •� P� After shredding and cleaning. the <br /> 1 K 'tea leaf compost, known as Tenafly <br /> _ _ Humus is made available to the resi- <br /> dents free of charge. Humus is being <br /> We Invite you to subscribe to the bi•410 <br /> waste treatment are consistently described, sold in bulk quantjljes to top soil pro- <br /> monthly journal, COMPOST SCIENCE/ Other topics reported inclgde marketing ducers, lanslscap-cis. nurserymen and <br /> LAND UTILIZATION which is widely wastewater sludge; industrial waste re- garden center operations. One local <br /> recognized for its authoritative, practical cycling; building public support for re- <br /> information on land application of wastes, covert' projects; and research and farm business uses in excess of 500 yards <br /> resource recovery and energy-efficient re- experiences in using composted organic annually for the soil mixture used in its <br /> cycling strategies. Biological reclamation wastes For producing crops and reclaiming bedding plant sales. Qriginally the <br /> of solid wastes — research as well as open- lands. Humus was sold at S2 a yard and the <br /> sting experiences — is presented ►egu- COMPOST SCIENCE/LAND UTILI- supply was exhausted in eight months. <br /> larly. Papers are reviewed by an inter- ZATION describes new solutions to The town council voted to raise the <br /> nationally-known Editorial Board under waste problems facing cities, industries price to 55.00 per cubic yard so fat <br /> the direction of senior editor Dr. Clarence and agriculture. This journal brings to- <br /> Golueke. 'ether the critical issues you face currently there would be more Humus available <br /> Experts from throughout the world report — from research to operations, from plan- to residents. In the first year at$5.00 a <br /> latest results with composting systems, ning systems to machinery purchases, from yard, the Humus was sold out in six <br /> biogasification, aquaculture in resource public policies to corporate decisions. months! <br /> recovery, and low-cost, high-quality land Please fill out the form below to subscribe — y uses a garbage truck, two <br /> treatment and wastewater irrigation systems. to this journal —published since 1960 and two- ard front end loaders, six vacu- <br /> Low-technology approaches to on-sits read by your colleagues all over the world. y <br /> urns ("Good Roads") towed by four- <br /> yard capacity dump trucks, one six- <br /> yard dump truck,one back hoe loader, <br /> Compost/Land <br /> "���d a sweeper with a leaf pusher, a dozer <br /> Science Utilization for windrowing and a Royer shredder. <br /> "Increased labor is the major factor <br /> Journal of Waste Recycling • Box 351 • Emmaus,PA 18049 USA which brings the cost of leaf collection <br /> up,"says Van Vorst. "And because of <br /> YRS,enter my subscription for the period checked below: the high initial equipnleni cast, one <br /> O One year(6 issues) SiiGri* £' Payment <br /> Enclosed <br /> must also plan on a dual role for the <br /> ❑Two*ars(12 issues) fiMO. ❑Send Invoice euipmt:nt purrhscrd. <br /> malaria anaaeaseas.pwscadd s3.00pawar) Although Tenafly did not intend to <br /> make a profit nn its venture. iL.has <br /> NAME shown a small nrofit after the turning. <br /> AFFILtIJION and shredding operations have been <br /> ADDRESS compTeted. In addition to the leaf com- <br /> O AD posting project, Tenafly has glass and <br /> CITY SWE LP aluminum recycling programs and a <br /> mandatory paper separation pro- <br /> - J gram. ■ <br /> 34 • <br /> Compost Science/Lend Utilization <br />