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ti <br /> -6- <br /> 1 . Dedicate a one mill levy over the next five years. <br /> • 4110 <br /> 2. Establish the fund which could then be built up to utilize <br /> monies from the existing City fund balance reserves. <br /> 3. Dedicate the yearend general fund balance to the park dedica- <br /> tion account. <br /> 4. Utilize interest from the special projects fund . <br /> 5 . Utilize monies from park dedications projects on a two-thirds/ <br /> one third basis, with two-thirds of all park dedication sub- •. <br />• division monies being allocated for park improvements in the <br /> next five years. <br /> 6 . Establish City sponsored fund raising programs through neigh- <br /> borhood park foundations with a goal of raising $100,000. <br /> 7 . Corporate gifts from local and surrounding community business- <br /> es. <br /> . 8 . Explore any other City fund dollars, including revenue shar- <br /> ing, should they become available again . <br /> In addition to the formal submission of this report, the Park <br /> Commission would like to again request a meeting be established <br /> with the City Council , City Finance Brayer, City Administrator <br /> III Pauley and Acting Parks and Recreation Director Saarion to review <br /> and identify specific funding sources so that the enclosed capital <br /> improvement plan will become a reality. <br /> We appreciate your review of this project, and look forward to <br /> .successful implementation over the next two years. <br />, BKA/s11 <br /> cc: Mounds View Parks & Recreation Commissioners <br /> ill <br />