2July 15, 1986
<br /> 18-20, while the Intl Assn of Auditorium the Waterfront Center's conference in
<br /> Managers Inc. (IAAM) is next week (July Washington, D.C.
<br /> 19-22) at Edmonton's Convention Centre. * * * * * * * *
<br /> EXPO is getting some flak for what are
<br /> considered inflated visitor figures, but Life after amusement park? The Enchanted
<br /> success sells. ...and city officials are Forest park in Ellicott City, Md. , was
<br /> already counting on the $172 million the purchased recently for $4 million by a
<br /> anticipated 20 million visits will bring developer who will spend $10 million in
<br /> to the area's economy. the next 2 years to build a retail cen-
<br /> ter around the park. It will be open
<br /> year-round, more than twice its current
<br /> The newly-reopened--in new location at operating season, during which about
<br /> Vallejo, Ca.--Marine World/Africa USA 350,000 visit the nursery-tale themed
<br /> had record $1.1 million opening week in park.
<br /> June, with 65,220 visitors. Previous
<br /> top draw was 51,000 (in 19821 down Costs of major touring acts continue to
<br /> south in San Diego, however, Sea World increase; many now require ticket sales
<br /> experienced 8% attendance decline, ac- of 10,000 or more to break even, which
<br /> cording to Amusement Business; that was eliminates chances of smaller areas at-
<br /> for the year to date. Officials noted tracting them, says Amusement Business.
<br /> that Southern California in general is
<br /> * * * * * * * *
<br /> experiencing a soft summer--unlike Flor-
<br /> ida, where Sea World is up 16%, and a
<br /> corporate (Harcourt/BraceyPJovanovich) SPORTS & RECREATION
<br /> affiliate, Cypress Gardens, is up35%.
<br /> The SD Sea World celebrates its 25th
<br /> anniversary next year, and $20 million Exercising of various kinds gained mil-
<br /> in new look and shows are planned. The lions of new participants last year, a
<br /> 3 Sea World parks (Ohio, SD and Florida) study by the Natl Sporting Goods Assn.
<br /> will be joined by San Antonio Sea World shows. Exercising with equipment led
<br /> in 2 years. In next two months, the 3 the list of 44 sports studied--as far as
<br /> parks will have hosted 100 million visi- new participants is concerned--with 8.1
<br /> tors. million new fans, for a total of 32.1 •
<br /> * * * * * * * * million. Swimming still leads in total
<br /> fans (73.3 million) , gaining 5.5 million
<br /> Despite local elections in Jersey City last year. Exercise walking gained 6 .8
<br /> that rebuked planners of major water- million participants for total of 41.5
<br /> front developments, some of the projects million; aerobic exercising gained 5.9
<br /> in 6 Jersey areas are proceeding. Alto- million for 23.9 million total, and
<br /> gether $6.5 billion investment is in the calisthenics gained 4.1 million for a
<br /> works. One of the largest is Port Lib- total of 26.1 million.
<br /> erte south of Liberty State Park, with
<br /> $1 billion in canals, hotels, marina Other big gainers by the numbers include
<br /> and yacht club (now under construction) . c ing (up 7.4 million to 46.4 million
<br /> Nearby is Liberty Harbor North, valued total bicycle riding (up 6.4 million
<br /> at $500 million. The waterfront devel- to 50.7 million) , and bowling (up 6.4
<br /> opers think the leisure/water-oriented million also, to 35.7 million) . Bowling
<br /> lifestyle will rival New York City soon. had been in a decline for several years
<br /> and launched a huge promotional with
<br /> Waterfront developments have grown rap- cereal biggie Wheaties and other GF prod-
<br /> idly across the country, and in Canada, ucts this past spring to gain young fans.
<br /> where the government is providing up to
<br /> $140 million to encourage Montreal and Boating (motor) placed #8 on list of new
<br /> Quebec Province to rehabilitate the old participants in NSGA survey, gaining 4.9
<br /> port area of the city. The plans would million for total of 26.6 million. Sail-
<br /> avoid replicating the high-rise model ing came in at #35 gaining 1.3 million
<br /> that Toronto used, but would restore the new fans; that was a huge percentage
<br /> old buildings and piers for museums and jump, however, since total now is 4.7
<br /> public use Some of these undertak- million. A related sport, fishing (in
<br /> ings will be presented Sept. 25-27 at fresh waters) gained 4.7 million for a
<br /> LEISURE INDUSTRY DIGEST (ISSN #0276-0916) is published twenty-four times a year by
<br /> Leisure Industry/Recreation News. Business and editorial material should be sent
<br /> 1111
<br /> to LEISURE INDUSTRY DIGEST, P.O. Box 27488, Washington, DC 20038-7488. (202) 232-7107.
<br /> Editor is Marj Jensen. Contributing editors/writers are Jamie Thomas, Ida Simmons,
<br /> John Michaels, Mary Lynn Tischer and Robert Trygve Jr. Federal tax I.D. # 564-44-2861.
<br /> Subscription rates are: $95 a year in U.S./Canada/Mexico by first class mail; overseas
<br /> air mail rate is $140 a year.
<br />