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05-22-86 Agenda & Packet
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05-22-86 Agenda & Packet
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2 LOWNWIWORORApee May 15, 1986 <br /> and printing work that's being lost to <br /> Canada. Up to 1,200 release prints per SPECTATOR SPORTS <br /> feature are being processed in Canada, <br /> 1111/ <br /> Variety reports, and the tide is growing. <br /> Wimbledon-..the Goodwill Games in Russia <br /> Grand juries are investigating General the August 3 football exhibition in <br /> Cinema Corp. again for alleged price fix- London world swimming/diving champion- <br /> ing of movie admission prices in Ohio. ships in Madrid. These and other events <br /> General Cinema paid a $750,000 fine last could be sharply affected by the -threat <br /> August in settlement of investigation in of terrorism that has curtailed vacation <br /> Indiana on competitive bidding practices travel plans for the summer of '86. U.S. <br /> on rights to show films. teams are reconsidering plans to partici- <br /> * * <br /> artici- <br /> * * * * * * * * pate in meets in Europe; officials of the <br /> NFL Dallas Cowboys and Chicago Bears are <br /> Despite enthusiasm for the Sony 8 mm VCR working with Scotland Yard to ensure se- <br /> format by some consumer electronic anal- curity. College teams are canceling plans <br /> ysts, other experts question the potential daily. <br /> for rapid growth of 8mm compared to VHS <br /> and the declining Beta, pioneered by Sony. <br /> The yen is becoming less competitive for Moscow is repairing and renovating many <br /> Iftemmilk <br /> imports, which will affect Sony's plans. of the sites from its 1980 Olympics for <br /> Hitachi, Toshiba, Matsushita and other the July 5-20 Goodwill Games, which more <br /> major Japanese manufacturers are jumping than 50 countries have said they will send <br /> on the 8mm bandwagon, and international athletes to compete in. The Games will be <br /> potential has been termed high. telecast to the Caribbean, Central and <br /> South America as well as the U.S. over Ted <br /> Turner's broadcasting/cable systems. <br /> The "Captain Midnight" piracy of HBO's <br /> satellite late last month has still not <br /> been resolved by the industry or govern- The Houston Astros, which lost about $10 <br /> ment officials, all concerned about the million over the past 2 years for owner <br /> incident. Experts agreed that equipment John McMullen, could move to Washington, <br /> needed to attack signal was sophisticated D.C. next season with penalty payments to <br /> and expensive (costing $60,000 or more) , the Astrodome (whose major owner is McMu <br /> and knowledgeable individual(s) were be- lenl. That price could be .about $20 mil <br /> hind incident. lion. The team might .stay, if Houston <br /> * * * * * * * * agrees to put a $500 million bond issue <br /> on the ballot for voters. The Astrodome <br /> Cable TV can no longer be content to run would be expanded by 10,000 seats (now <br /> old movies/old programs, if they are to capacity is 45,000) . The Astrodome com- <br /> gain and hold on to advertising revenues, plex generates about $500 million into the <br /> attendees at the NY Cabletelevision Ad- city's economy each year, a Universty of <br /> vertising Conference discussed. Much of Houston study found the Cleveland <br /> the expensive wiring of households has Indians are on the sales block, but an <br /> been completed, and cable stands to gain $11.5 million debt (plus millions of $$$ <br /> revenues on two fronts: ads and subscri- more in guaranteed deferred salaries) is <br /> bers. Ad revenues are put at $1 billion hindering the sale. <br /> this year, rising to $2 billion by 1990. <br /> Just as independent networks/stations are * * * * * * * * <br /> underwriting "new" programming, so will Congress is blocking transfer and upgrade <br /> cable begin to invest, and soon. of D.C. 's Robert F. Kennedy Stadiu, which <br /> would be the home of a major league base- <br /> Lottery sales in the U.S. by Canadian ball team. One alternative is for the <br /> firms are estimated at $30 million (1984) city to be awarded a 99-year lease on RFK. <br /> by U.S. postal authorities, despite the Makers of the "Louisville. Slug- <br /> fact that such sales are illegal in U.S, ger baseball bat lose about $2 on every <br /> Canadian authorities plan to amend the bat sold to professional players. The <br /> Hillerich & Bradsby Co. , however, makes <br /> Ontario Lottery Corp. Act to prevent firms up for those losses (about $250,000 a yr) <br /> from selling tickets outside province, by on sales to other teams. <br /> mail order (DM News) . <br /> LEISURE INDUSTRY DIGEST is published twenty-four times a year. Business and editorial <br /> material should be sent to LEISURE INDUSTRY DIGEST, P.O. Box 27488, Washington, D.C. <br /> 20038-7488. Telephone (202) 232-7107. Editor/publisher: Marj Jensen. Contributing <br /> editors are Jamie Thomas, Ida Simmons, John Michaels, K. Langhorne Oliver. and 'Robert <br /> Trygve Jr. Federal tax I.D. #564-44-2861. Subscription price is $95 a year in U.S., <br /> 111/1 <br /> Canada and Mexico by first class mail. Overseas air mail price is $140 a year. <br />
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