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Mavy <br /> • - <br /> o��© THIS IS I <br /> '•• OLS ' <br /> �1r4",Pzrtne(S' <br /> OCTOBER 21 - OCTOBER 25, 1996 <br /> ADMINISTRATION pursue funding sources applicable to those <br /> I want to thank the Council and city employees for components. A budget and selection of a <br /> the flowers and thoughtful card delivered to my consultant to facilitate this work will be considered <br /> grandmother's funeral. Having been on the in November. The City will likely have to <br /> contribute something less than $5,000 to be a part <br /> delivering side many times, it is hard to fully say how <br /> appreciative it is to be thought of in these situations. of the effort. I will report back in November. <br /> Thanks again. <br /> ----- Last week.I attended a meeting at TCAAP and <br /> reviewed the water treatment facility in New <br /> � I warn to update everyone on a few ongoing items. , <br /> First, the Brighton used to treat the pollution plume created <br /> Quad Rink project is moving along with at the arsenal site. Interesting tour. That's it for <br /> the standard bugs still to be worked out. It appears <br /> now. Remember the Council meeting is Tuesday <br /> that the MASC is considering committing <br /> evening. For those interested, the Airport Task <br /> emselves to upwards of 1000 hours of ice time <br /> tor the fourth rink. This raises questions about the Force will be meeting Monday at 5:30 p.m. <br /> conditions the other communities agreed to for the <br /> other three rinks. The concern is that MASC is Chuck <br /> responsible for filling "shoulder" season hours <br /> working with the other three communities on their Less then two weeks before the election! The <br /> rink commitment. With their additional hours of election judges are ail geared up for the big day. <br /> With about 900 absentee ballots coming in, and <br /> commitment on the fourth rink, there is some City Hall being open on Saturday and Monday for <br /> concern that those new hours will in actuality be in <br /> competition with the shoulder season hours. The in-person absentee voting, many judges will be <br /> working extra hours before November 5. People <br /> issue should be resolved in the master agreement <br /> however, by differentiating the hours and MASC's have been very accommodating with their <br /> schedules- that really helps me. <br /> commitment. In other words, I doubt it will be an <br /> impediment to finalizing an agreement I was The Airport Task Force will be meeting with MAC <br /> briefed on all this on Wednesday morning with the <br /> other communities and MASC officials. representative Roy Ferman on Monday, October <br /> 21, at 5:30. The group is once again coming <br /> The Council may recall the City, as part cr""the I- together to discuss the noise abatement plan. For <br /> 35W Corridor group submitted a planning grant to all of you Internet surfers, MAC has a home page <br /> on the Internet that can be accessed for information <br /> the Met Council focusing cn housing and economic <br /> development along the north I-35W corridor. The regarding a variety of noise, operational and general <br /> airport issues (mostly dealing with MSF-'). The <br /> oiicaticn did not get approved. The Mayor's <br /> cmmittee of the group met and agreed to break website is: http�\:www.macaysat.erg. <br /> down the component of the grant application and <br /> Dawn <br />