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2023 08-28 Lung Cancer Awareness Month November 2023
City Council
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2023 08-28 Lung Cancer Awareness Month November 2023
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MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY Or RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />PROCLAMATION <br />LUNG CANCER AWARENESS MONTH NOVEMBER 2023 <br />WHEREAS, lung cancer is die leading cause of cancer death among men and women in the <br />United States and Mounds View, accounting for more deaths than colon cancer, breast cancer, and <br />prostate cancer combined; and <br />WHEREAS, according to die Centers for Disease Control, there were 30,505 new lung cancer <br />cases and 9,944 deahhs because of lung cancer between 2015 and 2019 in Minnesota; and <br />WHEREAS, die 5-year survival rate for localized lung cancer is 60%, yet only 24% of lung <br />cancers are diagnosed at dhis stage; and <br />WHEREAS, screening for lung cancer for high -risk individuals using low -dose computed <br />tomography can lead to die earlier detection of lung cancer and save lives, reducing the mortality by <br />20% when compared to screening by chest x-ray in the National Lung Screening Trial (3) and reducing <br />die risk of death at 10 years by 24% in men and 33% in women as demonstrated by another large <br />randomized trial; and <br />WHEREAS, funding for lung cancer research trails far behind funding for research of many <br />other cancers, and additional research is needed in early diagnosis, screening, and treatment for lung <br />cancer as well as in lung cancer affecting women and lung cancer health disparities; and <br />WHEREAS, lung cancer incidence is decreasing twice as fast in men as it is in women, each year <br />more women die from lung cancer than breast cancer and by 2035, more women will die from lung <br />cancer than men; and <br />WHEREAS, African Americans have the highest lung cancer incidence and mortality of all <br />races, and disparities in lung cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment, and mortality are well characterized <br />among African Americans and other racial minorities; and <br />WHEREAS, lung cancer in individuals who never smoked is die 7' leading cause of cancer - <br />related death and accounts for 17,000-26,000 deadis in the US every year, 60-70% of individuals <br />diagnosed with lung cancer who never smoked are women, and die proportion of lung cancers <br />diagnosed in people who never smoked is increasing in die US; and <br />WHEREAS, radon is die leading cause of lung cancer among individuals who never smoked quid <br />the second leading cause of lung cancer overall; and <br />
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