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Ordinance 1009
City Council
City Council
Ordinance 1009
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10/24/2023 2:26:08 PM
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10/24/2023 2:25:04 PM
MV City Council
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Resolution/Ordinance Number
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some other officer or body, all powers are vested in the City Council ems. For this Charter's purposes, <br />the "Council" refers to the City Council of the City of Mounds View unless the context clearly indicates <br />otherwise. <br />Section 2.01. Form of Government. The form of government established by this Charter is the "Mmayor- <br />Ecouncil gplan". Except as otherwise provided by state law or this Charter, all powers of the City are vested <br />in the Council. <br />Section 2.02. Boards and Commissions. There shall be no separate administrative Bboard of 14health, <br />Elibrary Bboard, or any other administrative board or commission except for the administration of a function <br />jointly with another political subdivision. The Council shall itself be and perform the duties and exercise the <br />powers of such boards and commissions provided by state law. The Council may, however, establish by <br />9ordinance Bboards or commissions to advise the Council with respect to any municipal function or activity, <br />to investigate any subject of interest to the City, or to perform quasi-judicial functions. <br />Section 2.03. Council Composition and Election. The Council shall be composed of a Mmayor and four (4) <br />Ecouncil members who shall be qualified electors and who shall be elected at large. <br />Council -members shall serve for a term of four (4Zyears and/or until a successor is elected and qualifies. <br />The Mmayor shall serve for a term of two (2Zyears and/or until a successor is elected and qualifies. <br />Section 2.04. Incompatible Offices. No member of the Council shall hold any municipal office or <br />employment through the City other than that to which elected. Further, until one (year after the expiration <br />of member's term, no Mmayor or Gcouncil_member shall be appointed or employed by the City in a <br />compensated position which was created, or the compensation for which was increased, during member's <br />term as Mmayor or Ecouncil member. <br />Section 2.05. Vacancies. A vacancy in the Council, whether it be in the office of Mmayor or Ecouncil_member, <br />shall be deemed to exist in case of the failure of any person elected thereto to qualify, or by reason of the death, <br />resignation in writing filed with the Ccity Aadministrator, removal from office, non -residence in the Ccity, <br />conviction of a felony of any such person after their election, or by reason of the failure of any Council member <br />without good cause to attend Council meetings for a period of threes consecutive months. In each such case <br />the Council shall by resolution declare the vacancy to exist. (Amended 2010 Ord. 841.1 <br />Section 2.06. The Mayor's Power and Duties. <br />Subdivision 1. Subdivision ' . The Mmayor shall preside at meetings of the Council and shall have a vote as a <br />member. The Mmayor shall be recognized as head of the Ecity Cgovernment for all ceremonial purposes, by <br />the courts for the purpose of serving civil process, and by the Ggovernor for purposes of martial law. Other <br />than for the purposes specifically stated in this paragraph, as an individual, the Mmayor shall have no <br />administrative authority. (Amended 2005 Ord. 742 by Ordinamee 74�4616 dS'e�mberz��014;TFle <br />oeteber <br />�• <br />Subdivision 2. Consistent with the responsibility to accept considerable leadership over the general conduct <br />of City affairs, the Mmayor may study the operations of the Ccity Ggovernment and recommend desirable <br />changes and improvements to the Council. The Mmayor shall also deliver messages to the Council and the <br />public, including a comprehensive message on the state of the City as soon as practicable after the beginning <br />of each year of the Mmayor's term of office. <br />Page 2 of 19 <br />DOCSOPEN\MU210\4\903732.v2-9/20/23 <br />
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