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Charter Commission
10-Misc notes for petition
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Exhibit B <br />Proposed Charter Amendment Petition Review Process <br />Staff must be able to determine compliance solely from the information provided on the face of the petition, <br />ensuring that each page complies with Minn. R. 8205.1010, subp 2: <br />/ a. A petition must be prepared on paper no larger than 8-1/2 inches wide and 14 inches long. The <br />signer's oath and the signature lines must be on the same side of the paper. <br />✓b. The language on the petition must be printed in no smaller than 10-point type. <br />v' c. Each petition page must have a short title describing the purpose of the petition. <br />V d. Each petition page must have a statement summarizing the purpose of the petition. <br />'/e. If the purpose of the petition is to put a question on the ballot, each petition page may have a <br />statement of 75 words or less summarizing the ballot question. <br />f. Each petition page must have a signer's oath in no smaller than 12-point bold type. If the form of <br />the signer's oath is not specified by statute, the following oath must be used: "I swear (or affirm) <br />that I know the contents and purpose of this petition and that I signed this petition only once and of <br />my own free will." <br />g. Each petition page must include the following statement immediately above the signature lines: <br />"All information must be filled in by person(s) signing the petition unless disability prevents the <br />person(s) from doing so." <br />h. Each petition page must have no more than ten signature lines. The signature lines must be <br />consecutively numbered. Each signature line must have space for the date of the signature; a <br />signature; and each signatory's year of birth; printed first, middle, and last name; and residence <br />address, municipality, and county. <br />Each petition page must include the following statement: "All information on this petition is subject <br />to public inspection." <br />Staff will count and consecutively number the pages of the petition. Staff will prepare a receipt. Staff will <br />issue the receipt to the person submitting the petition and/or a representative of the committee of petitioners, <br />and keep a copy with the petition. The receipt will contain the following information (Minn. R. 8205.1040, <br />subps 3, 4): <br />a. Name, address, phone number and email address of petitioner. <br />b. Type of petition. <br />c. Date the petition is submitted for inspection. <br />d. Date by which petition inspection will be completed; the verification of a petition must be <br />completed as soon as practicable but no later than ten working days after filing date. <br />4 <br />DOCSOPEN\MU210\4\901702.v 1 A-9/ 18/23 <br />
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