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Mounds View Charter Commission Minutes — APPROVED <br />Tuesday, November 21, 2023 <br />1.Call to Order. Regular meeting came to order at 6:30 PM. <br />2.Roll Call. Present:B. Amundsen, D. Erickson, E. James, M. Meehan, J. Peterson, G. Quick, <br />R. Scholl, R. Warren <br />Excused:A. Pratt <br />Absent: <br />Also present: Council Liaison Gary Meehlhause, City Administrator Nyle Zikmund <br />3.Approval of Agenda and Minutes. <br />A. Approve Agenda. <br />Chair R. Warren introduced the Preliminary Agenda. <br />MOTION, by E. James, and seconded, by R. Scholl, to adopt the Preliminary Agenda as presented. <br />No discussion occurred. Motion <br />Adopted 8-0 <br />B. Approve Minutes. <br />Chair R. Warren asked for review of the Secretary's September 19, 2023, Meeting Minutes. <br />MOTION, by G Quick, and seconded, by B. Amundsen, to approve the Meeting Minutes as presented. <br />No discussion occurred.Motion Adopted 8-0 <br />4.Citizens Comment from the Floor. <br />Gary Meehlhause, 7400 Park View Drive. Gary read from his memorandum to the commission. A summary <br />is he thanked the commission for recommending the charter amendment to appoint a vice-acting mayor in <br />the case of a vacancy in the mayor's office. Discussed his concern about the council acting as a four person <br />council for multiple months and the possibility of two simultaneous vacancies. He asked the commission to <br />revisit the process for filling an open council seat by a succession appointment process. Chair R. Warren <br />asked if there were any comments. R. Scholl thanked Mr. Meehlhause for his information. E. James as for <br />explanation about the succession model reasons, which were answered by Mr. Meehlhause. <br />5.Reports of Chair. <br />None presented. <br />6.Reports of Members. <br />Secretary B. Amundsen reported that he emailed the approved resolutions, but signed copies are available if <br />any commissioner would like to have them. <br />7.Unfinished Business. <br />A. Legal response to Council multi vacancy question. Chair R. Warren asked if any further discussion was <br />needed on the issue this evening. Secretary B. Amundsen reported that all members should have the email <br />addressing multiple vacancies and emergency powers. City attorney J. Sathe also apologized for not being <br />available this evening. Discussion occurred about the memorandum. It was requested that city attorney Joe <br />Sathe be invited to the January 16, 2024, meeting to answer questions regarding the memorandum. <br />8.New Business <br />A. Review Chair's Annual Report to the Court. <br />Chair R. Warren requested if the report is his report, or the commission's report? Secretary B. Amundsen <br />said statute identifies it as the Chair's report. Chair R. Warren requested discussion, and lacking discussion <br />requested a motion to approve the report. <br />Motion, by B. Amundsen, and seconded, by R. Scholl, to approve the Annual Report. <br />Discussion occurred, no amendments were made. Motion adopted 8-0 <br />Page 1 of 4