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ARTICLE 2 <br />INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION <br />Section 2.01 Insurance. Grantee will purchase and maintain such insurance as will <br />protect it from claims which may arise out of, or result from, its operations related to this <br />Agreement, whether such operations be by Grantee, a Subgrantee of Grantee or by any <br />subcontractor, or by anyone directly employed by them, or by anyone for whose acts any one of <br />them may be liable. Certificates of Insurance shall be issued evidencing such coverage to <br />Authority throughout the term of this Agreement. <br />A. Commercial General Liability Insurance. The policy will be written on an occurrence basis <br />using ISO form CG 00 01 or its equivalent. Coverage shall include contractual liability. <br />Grantee is required to add Authority, Ramsey County, their officials, employees, <br />volunteers, and agents as Additional Insured to Grantee's Commercial General Liability <br />and Umbrella policies with respect to liabilities caused in whole or part by Grantee's acts <br />or omissions, or the acts or omissions of those acting on Grantee's behalf in the <br />performance of the ongoing operations, services and completed operations of Grantee <br />under this Agreement. The coverage provided shall be primary and non-contributory, and <br />in the following amounts: <br />$ 500,000 per claim <br />$1,000,000 per occurrence <br />$2,000,000 general aggregate <br />$2,000,000 products/completed operations total limit <br />$1,500,000 personal injury and advertising liability <br />B. Automobile Insurance. Coverage shall be provided for hired, non -owned and owned auto <br />with minimum limits of $1,000,000 combined single limit. <br />C. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability. Workers' Compensation as required <br />by Minnesota Statutes. <br />D. Grantee shall provide Authority with prior notice of any lapse in the insurance required <br />under this Agreement including cancellation, and/or non -renewal or material change in <br />coverage. The above sub -paragraphs establish minimum insurance requirements, and it is <br />the sole responsibility of Grantee to purchase and maintain additional coverages as it may <br />deem necessary in connection with this Agreement. Certificate of Insurance must <br />demonstrate that the policy is issued pursuant to these requirements. Copies of insurance <br />policies shall be submitted to Authority upon request. Certificates shall specifically <br />indicate if the policy is written with an admitted or non -admitted carrier. Best's Rating for <br />the insurer shall be noted on the Certificate, and shall not be less than an A-. <br />E. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver by Authority or Ramsey County of any <br />statutory or common law immunities, limits, or exceptions on liability. <br />4 <br />