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02-12-2024 CC
City Council
Agenda Packets
02-12-2024 CC
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Last modified
1/28/2025 4:46:27 PM
Creation date
4/9/2024 1:17:34 PM
MV Commission Documents
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City Council
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Agenda Packets
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local, state, and federal laws and regulations which must be obtained or met for the <br />completion of the Projects. <br />Section 3.02 Project Site Acknowledgements. Grantee represents and warrants that it <br />shall acknowledge the assistance provided by the Ramsey County Housing and Redevelopment <br />Authority in promotional materials, press releases, reports and publications relating to the Project <br />Activities that are funded in whole or in part with the Funds. <br />Section 3.03 Assignment. Grantee shall not cause or permit any voluntary transfer, <br />assignment, or other conveyance of this Agreement without the written consent of Authority. Any <br />non -approved transfer, assignment or conveyance shall be void. <br />Section 3.04 Anti -Displacement and Relocation. Grantee shall take all reasonable steps <br />to minimize displacement of persons and businesses as necessary for implementation of the Project <br />Activities. Grantee shall conduct all property acquisitions in its name, or in the name of another <br />eligible organization acceptable to Authority, which shall hold title to all real property acquired. <br />Borrower shall prepare all notices, appraisals, and documentation required in conducting <br />acquisition under the latest applicable state or federal regulations, as applicable, and provide all <br />relocation notices, counseling, and services. Grantee also agrees to comply with all applicable <br />ordinances, resolutions and policies concerning the displacement of persons from their residences <br />or businesses. In the event that it is determined that any individual or business is entitled to <br />relocation assistance as a result of acquisition, rehabilitation, demolition or conversion of property <br />related to the Project Activities, Grantee will be solely responsible for all such expenses. In the <br />event of litigation regarding entitlement to relocation expenses or other assistance, Borrower will <br />be solely responsible for the cost of such litigation. <br />ARTICLE 4 <br />DEFAULT AND REMEDIES <br />Section 4.01 Event of Default. Any and all of the following events shall constitute an <br />"Event of Default" under this Agreement: <br />A. Grantee uses any portion of the Grant proceeds for purposes other than specified in this <br />Agreement. <br />B. Grantee fails to comply with any of the terms, conditions, requirements, representations, <br />warranties, or provisions contained in its Application, this Agreement, or any other <br />Authority document. <br />C. Any of the information, documentation, or representations that Grantee supplied to <br />Authority in its Application, this Agreement, or any other Authority document to induce <br />Authority to make the Grant is determined to be false, untrue, or misleading in any material <br />manner. <br />D. Any act or omission, or misuse of Funds by a subgrantee approved by Grantee pursuant to <br />Section 1.09 of this Agreement. <br />0 <br />
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