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RAMSEY COUNT'. <br />HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br />CRITICAL CORRIDORS <br />COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR INITIATIVE GRANT <br />This GRANT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into this 25th day of <br />September, 2023, by and between the Ramsey County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, <br />a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Authority"), and the City of Mounds View, <br />a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Grantee"). <br />RECITALS <br />1. Authority was created pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §§ 469.001 to 469.017, as amended, and <br />was authorized to transact business and exercise its powers by a resolution of the Ramsey <br />County Board of Commissioners (the "County"). <br />2. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 469.033, subd. 6, Authority levied a special benefit tax <br />throughout its area of operation and, in order to fulfill the purposes for the levy of some of <br />those levy funds, Authority established the Critical Corridors - Commercial Corridor Initiative <br />Program ("Program") to improve the tax base and quality of life in Ramsey County by <br />installing neighborhood signage throughout the corridor and administering a small business <br />fagade improvement grant program in order to prevent and eliminate blight. <br />3. The activities to be undertaken under the Program are all activities that Authority could <br />undertake directly pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §§ 469.001 to 469.047. <br />4. Grantee seeks to support existing small businesses through grants for public realm <br />improvements including fagade improvements, as defined in the Program description on file <br />with Authority (the "Project") which will result in the removal, prevention, and reduction of <br />blighting factors/causes of blight. <br />5. Grantee has submitted an application ("Application") to fund certain activities in the Project <br />Area as described in Exhibit A ("Project Area") related to the Project as described in Exhibit <br />B ("Project Activities"), in order to engage in certain activities as permitted by the Program <br />including but not limited to marketing, promotion, and public realm improvements ("Eligible <br />Activities"). <br />6. The Project Activities will occur in the City of Mounds View, within the Project Area, in <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br />7. Authority has determined that the installation of signage and business fagade improvement <br />grants will support Ramsey County's suburban small business economy by investing in <br />placemaking improvements in an important local business district. <br />