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MOUNDS VIEW PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br />MEETING MINUTES <br />Thursday, July 16, 1998 <br />6:30 p.m., Conf. Rm. C <br />CALL TO ORDER: Chair Silvis called the meeting to order. <br />ROLL CALL: Commissioners present included Chair Silvis, Commissioners Dentz, <br />Stevenson, Starr and Benz. Councilmember Gunn and Director Saarion <br />were also in attendance. <br />APPROVAL OF <br />MINUTES: Motion was made by Commissioner Benz and seconded by <br />Commissioner Dentz to approre the minutes of June 25, 1998. Motion <br />passed unanimously. <br />NAME OF PARKS Councilmember Gunn distributed a copy of the resolution passed by the <br />City Council approving the addition of "Lions" Lakeside Park. Upon <br />discussion, it was confirmed that while an earlier resolution four years ago <br />was not in favor of naming the park after persons or organizations, this was <br />a different time. Commissioner Dentz commented that he was still not in <br />favor or naming parks after persons or organizations. Motion was made by <br />Commissioner Stei,enson and seconded by Commissioner Benz to <br />approve the addition of "Lions" to Lakeside Park name. Motion passed <br />3 aye, l nay. <br />UPDATES: Commissioners asked about programs and Director Saarion provided <br />updated information on what was going on, programs concluded, programs <br />in progress, and programs yet to begin. Fall activity registrations for youth <br />soccer leagues and adult softball leagues are being received currently. <br />Saarion informed the Commission that both City Hall large softball field <br />and Hillview Park ballfield will be closed down in the Fall for <br />improvements including regrading so as to improve draining. In addition, <br />Saarion informed the Commission that the City will be soliciting proposals <br />for management of the Community Center. The City will submit a <br />proposal. <br />ADJOURNMENT: Chair Silvis made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by <br />Commissioner Starr. Motion passed unanimously. <br />