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PARK AND RECREATION MEETING MINUTES <br />December 13, 2000 <br />Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm <br />The following items on the agenda were discussed: Hillview Park Shelter Replacement. <br />Discussion evolved around types of construction, amenities within the building, purposes of the <br />building. <br />Construction; concrete block, brick, tip up panels, wood. <br />Amenities; storage area, picnic shelter, rest room open to the outside, security system / lighting, <br />full HVAC, telephone, internet access, electrical service for portable appliances. <br />Purposes; summer programs, warming house, neighborhood meetings, family events, picnics <br />A consulting engineering firm would be contacted by staff to present various options available <br />and estimated construction costs. <br />Comprehensive Park Plan and Survey <br />The commission discussed the idea of requesting funds from the City Council to perform a City <br />survey of the needs, wants and current amenities within each park. This would assist the <br />commission and staff in future capital replacement scheduling and further park development. <br />Also presented by staff and recommended by the Commission was the concept of hiring a <br />consultant to perform and Comprehensive Park Master Plan. This plan would include the current <br />park facilities, replacement schedules, and any future additions or developmental concepts for <br />the individual parks. The Commission approved the motion unanimously for staff to present <br />these two proposals to the City Council. <br />Staff also mentioned that the fitness equipment for the Community Center should be arriving in <br />the near future. <br />Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:30pm. <br />