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Park, Recreation, and Forestry Commission Meeting Minutes <br />May 25, 2006 <br />6:30 P.M. <br /> <br />1. Roll Call: Call to order 6:33 p.m. <br /> Present: Palm, Kunza, Kroeger, Kunz, Aukee, Long, Lee, McIntyre <br /> Absent: Weldon, Dazenski <br /> <br />2. Approval of minutes from the March 23, 2006 meeting. There was not a quorum for the April 27, 2006 meeting. <br /> Motion to approve March 23, 2006 minutes by Kunza, 2nd by Aukee. Passed 6-0 <br /> <br />3. Public Input - Citizens are encouraged to speak to the Park and Recreation and Forestry Commissioners on issues of concern. <br /> <br /> a. Resident spoke about Groveland Park Tennis Courts. Wondering about resurfacing and if there was a document explaining the improvement plans for all city parks. Commission addressed <br /> resident that we are looking into resurfacing the tennis courts at Groveland and Greenfield later this summer/fall. Resident was supplied with a Park Improvement Plan. <br /> <br />b. Katie Engman along with some high school students from Tobacco Free Youth Coalition presented a tobacco-free policy. <br /> <br />The Commission had several concerns: <br /> 1. Should this be an ordinance enforced with a fine and policed, or just a policy? If a policy, how effective would it be if not enforced? Currently two MN cities have an ordinance <br /> rather than a policy. <br /> 2. Would smoking be allowed in cars parked in the parking lots at parks? <br /> 3. What about the exemptions listed by area communities? Doesn’t that discount this policy? <br /> (i.e. designated smoking area at Community Center, smoking allowed at private party park building rentals) <br /> <br />Motion by Kunza, 2nd by Palm to recommend to City Council to adopt the Tobacco Free Park Policy as stated in item 3 of agenda with considerations for City Council to include exemptions <br /> as stated in neighboring city policies, and whether to make this an ordinance for all city property. <br /> <br />Motion tied 3-3. Issue will go before City Council at the Work Session June 5, 2006 <br /> <br />4. YMCA Update <br /> At the March 23, 2006 meeting, the Commissioners requested an update on the fee structure for field reservations that other communities are using in 2006. The YMCA has submitted a summary. <br /> The YMCA also has submitted information pertaining to room rental rates. <br /> YMCA has developed an optional classification system for fee structures. Kunza developed another alternative for classifications for MVCC, park buildings, and field rental. <br /> McIntyre will present existing fee structure at June meeting. <br /> Aukee and McIntyre will meet to discuss baseball field reservation use and availability. <br /> Kroeger will discuss field use and reservations with area soccer associations.