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PARKS AND RECREATION AND FORESTRY COMMISSION <br /> 6:30 P.M. I NOVEMBER 17, 2022 I MOUNDS VIEW CITY HALL <br /> MEETING MINUTES MOUNDS VIEW <br /> 1. CALL TO ORDER at 6:30 PM by Vice Chair Wake Wiesner <br /> 2. ROLL CALL: Commissioners: Anderson, *Arel, Lillemo, Palm, Mills, Sullivan, Wake Wiesner <br /> Staff: Peterson I Thomas *to be absent <br /> 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve by Palm, 2nd by Sullivan. Motion Passed 6-0. <br /> 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 27, 2022 Motion to approve by Lillemo, 2nd by Anderson. Motion <br /> Passed 6-0. <br /> 5. PUBLIC INPUT <br /> Citizens may speak to issues not on tonight's agenda. Before speaking, please give your full name and <br /> address. Please limit your comments to three minutes. NO RESIDENTS PRESENT <br /> 6. STAFF REPORTS <br /> A. Parks and Recreation -Andy: SEE ATTACHED REPORT: Open positions for ice rink attendants, front <br /> desk attendant, and Event Center Hosts. New programs coming include "Music Together," "Rev <br /> Sports," adult volleyball leagues, and ice skating lessons at Lambert Park in January. Membership <br /> promo in December and January for 1/2 price for those months. Pickelball for Seniors Monday-Friday <br /> mornings, 14 Seniors went through Fall Prevention, and 642 Senior Membership scans since <br /> September. 400 people attended the Fall Festival. Cookies with Santa coming December 3rd from <br /> 10AM-12PM. Free pics with Santa through David Banks Studio. Holiday Light Map registration <br /> deadline December 5. <br /> B. Public Works— Don: SEE ATTACHED REPORT: 3 full time staff certified for Playground Maintenance <br /> Technicians, New Arborist starts on Monday, Nov. 21. <br /> 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS-NONE <br /> 8. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Kodet—Architect for Possible Community Center Expansion: Daniel Kodet presented preliminary <br /> concept. Kodet is teaming with Kraus Anderson. Considering adding 3 gyms with bleachers between <br /> gyms, and a second level that includes some bathrooms and a walking track with the possibility of a <br /> mezzanine. Considering gender-inclusive locker rooms, in addition to or instead of existing locker <br /> rooms. Possibly use wetland credits to expand the parking lot to the south behind the offices and <br /> Walgreens toward MV Blvd. Design needs to consider capturing storm water to the east and have an <br /> infiltration basin tank underground below the parking lot. Add bridal staging areas near the Event <br /> Center, and floral patio on the north end. Elevator to second floor and concessions are planned in. <br /> Next steps will involve plans and cost estimates in January, and do a community phone survey (plans <br /> for this to come in 2023). City is trying to get bonding from the State, but the project has to be "shovel- <br /> ready" including community support. The PRF Commission looks forward to seeing the next steps <br /> including meeting at a future City Council Work Session. <br /> B. Discuss need for meeting in December 2022. Motion by Palm, 2nd by Lillemo, to cancel the <br /> meeting in December, 2022. <br /> 9. COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Thank you to Colleen Sullivan for being on the Commission for the past <br /> three years. Ice Skating Lessons gathering interest among parents at the Pinewood PTA, the Fall Festival <br /> was quite the hit in October. <br />