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PARKS AND RECREATION AND FORESTRY COMMISSION <br /> 6:30 P.M. I NOVEMBER 16 2023 I MOUNDS VIEW CITY HALL <br /> MEETING MINUTES MOUNDS VIEW <br /> 1. CALL TO ORDER@ 6:30 p.m. <br /> 2. ROLL CALL: Commissioners: Anderson, Arel, Lillemo, Lundberg, Palm, Mills, Wake Wiesner Staff: <br /> Peterson I Thomas <br /> 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion to approve by Wake Wiesner, second by Arel. Motion passes 4-0 <br /> 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve by Wake Wisner, second by Anderson. Motion passes 4-0 <br /> October 26, 2023 <br /> 5. PUBLIC INPUT <br /> David Wood @ 2501 Sherwood Road spoke on urban agriculture. Wood started a Mounds View <br /> garden club, predominant communication is on social media- garden club is interested in exchanging <br /> garden information and interested in a community garden. Seems to be 50/50 interest on vegetables <br /> vs flowers. <br /> 6. STAFF REPORTS <br /> A. Parks and Recreation — Lundberg present at 6:38, Lillemo present at 6:38. <br /> 1. Introduction of Maddie Margo — Recreation Coordinator. Maddie started end of August-Welcome <br /> Maddie! Reported a successful fall with youth sports programs, fall youth soccer league specifically <br /> had over 80 participants. Also offered youth soccer, flag football, basketball and t-ball league, youth <br /> dance and family music, adult leagues and partnerships including volleyball, corn hole, and boot <br /> hockey. <br /> Huge turn out at fall festival- over 1100 participants- it was very well advertised on social media. <br /> Looking ahead to winter: Santa is coming on Dec. 2nd to the community center. Job posting for <br /> warming house attendants- hoping to hire about 10 or as many as needed. Skating lessons are <br /> coming back- with adult classes too! Plans to add a youth dungeons and dragons program and day <br /> out of school programs and field trips. Hoping for a Valentine's day bingo event and St Patrick's day <br /> community celebrations. <br /> Next summer: North metro adult sports league- kickball tournament and ultimate frisbee tournaments. <br /> Hoping to add more (pickleball and volleyball). Considering expanding explore more daycamp <br /> program- increasing capacity to have more kids and restructuring staffing model to adhere more to <br /> child development levels in curriculum. Hoping to offer a leader in training program (12-14 year old <br /> group- learning leadership skills). Considering pausing the explore park programs to use staff <br /> resources to better support the youth at the community center in explore more program. Also thinking <br /> about a mobile recreation program (rec-on-the-go)- bringing recreation programs out to the community <br /> (apartments or parks). Hoping to move into a staffing model where younger staff can learn from more <br /> experienced staff. <br /> Festival in the park committee is donating $750 for scholarships for summer explore more program. <br /> B. Public Works — Don <br /> This time of the year the focus in the parks is a lot of leaf management. The arborist is continuing to <br /> work with residents and the contractor on diseased trees. The city continues to send out the letters to <br /> residents notifying of diseased trees- the first part of the letters were the diseased ash trees and now the <br /> diseased oak tree residents are getting letters. There are no grants to help homeowners pay, but the city <br /> finance department can help set up a payment plan or the homeowner can elect to have it put on their <br /> taxes if they need help paying. <br />