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shall meet to consider the proposals set forth in such petition or resolution. All meetings shall be held <br />in the Mounds View City Hall unless meeting notices state otherwise. All meetings shall comply with <br />the Minnesota Open Meeting Law (Minnesota Statutes,, Section 471.705). The meeting YEdLI be <br />Section 2. ftecigi Meetings. The Chair or any two members of the Commission may call a special <br />meeting to transact any business stated in the meeting notice in accordance with state law. Notice of <br />the special meeting shall state the time, date, place and business to be conducted at the special <br />meeting. Notices may be delivered or mailed to the member's designated mailing address at least <br />three days prior to the special meeting. The business to be considered at special meetings shall be <br />limited to that stated in the meeting notice unless all members of the Commission are present and vote <br />unanimously to conduct additional business. <br />Section 3. Quorum. <br />office fi ont time to A majority of qualified and acting members shall constitute a quorum for <br />the purpose of conducting the Commission's business and exercising its powers and for all other <br />purposes, but a smaller number of members may adjourn from time to time. <br />Section 4. Order of Business. <br />The Commission shall use the following order of business at its meetings: <br />Order of B be changed at a meeting by a majotity vote of the commission membe <br />Psesent; <br />1. <br />Call to Order <br />2. <br />Roll Call. <br />3. <br />Approval of Minutes. <br />4. <br />Citizens Comments from the floor. <br />5. <br />Reports of the Chair. <br />6. <br />Reports from members or committees. <br />7. <br />Unfinished Business, <br />8. <br />New Business. <br />9. <br />Adjournment. <br />O f BM&W ma be chgUW at g MMgngm "ori vo of the om i si n m mb <br />resent. <br />--All resolutions shaff be-mcorded in the minates of the C-otuntission meetings. The meetings "Iffill <br />Section 5. Manner of Voting. The voting on all issues coming before the Commission shall be <br />recorded in the minutes, which shall state what was done and not what was said. The votes on <br />resolutions, unless unanimous, shall state the number of "ayes," "nays," and "abstentions." When a <br />quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Commission upon a vote of the majority of the <br />members present unless another provision of these by-laws specifically states otherwise. <br />Section 6. CoMmittgM. <br />The Commission may establish and appoint committees. Each committee must designate a Chair. <br />Section 7. Discharge of Mewbers, Any member who has failed to attend four consecutive <br />meetings, regular or special, its being excused by the Commission} <br />Mounds View Charter Commission By-laws July 11, 2002 Paige 3 <br />