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RESOLUTION NO. 2000-04 <br /> <br />MOUNDS VIEW <br />CHARTER COMMISSION <br /> <br />RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL BY ORDINANCE; <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SECTION 3.01 OF THE MOUNDS VIEW CITY <br />CHARTER . <br /> The Mounds View Charter Commission acting under Minnesota Statutes 410.12 Subdivision 7, hereby <br />recommends amending the Charter of the City of Mounds View under Section 3.01, Subsections 1, Subsections 2 <br />and Subsections 3 by to read as follows; <br /> <br /> <br /> Section 3.01. Council Meetings <br /> <br /> Subsection 1. Council Meetings. The Council will meet at least twice each month at such times regularly <br />scheduled for the conduct of official business and at places as the Council may designate by ordinance. To the extent <br />provided by law, all meetings of the Council and it’s committees shall be public, and any citizen shall have access to the <br />minutes and records of such meetings at reasonable times. During any of its public meetings, the Council shall not <br />prohibit, but may place reasonable restrictions upon citizen’s comments and questions. Such restriction shall be similar <br />to restrictions that the Council places upon its members. <br /> <br /> Subsection 2. Special meetings. Consistent with the provision of this Charter and applicable state laws and excluding <br />emergency meetings the Mayor or any two members of the Council may call special meetings of the Council upon at least a <br />three day notice of date, time, place, and purpose of the meeting, or such expanded notice as may be prescribed by city <br />ordinance, or the laws of the state of Minnesota. Notice shall be posted on the principle bulletin board of the city and the <br />door of the Council’s usual meeting room, as well as other electronic media as is available and customarily utilized for <br />similar public information by the city. The three days written notice shall also be mailed or otherwise delivered to each <br />voting member of the Council and all chairpersons of any official commission of the city and each person who has filed <br />a written request for notice of special meetings with the Clerk-Administrator. <br /> <br /> Subsection 3. Emergency meetings. The Mayor or any two members of the Council may call an “Emergency <br />meeting” which under circumstances that, in the judgment of the Council, require immediate consideration of action for <br />the preservation of public peace, health, morals, safety or welfare in which the emergency is defined and declared in the <br />preamble to the resolution or ordinance which is acted upon. <br /> <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED that the Charter Commission directs the commissions chairperson to forward this <br />resolution to the Clerk-Administrator for presentation to the City Council under Minnesota Statutes 410.12 <br />Subdivision 7. If the City Council does not adopt this resolution by an unanimous vote of all its members the Charter <br />Commission hereby requests that the above amendment be placed on the ballot at the next general election in <br />November 2000, under Minnesota Statues 410.12 Subdivision 1. <br /> <br /> Adopted this 13th day of January, 2000. __________________________ <br /> Commission Chair <br /> <br /> _________________________ <br /> Commission Officer