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<br />Appendix A-14 <br />Labor Relations Information <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private/Nonpublic <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.37 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Management positions on economic and noneconomic items that <br />have not been presented during the collective bargaining process or interest arbitration, including <br />information specifically collected or created to prepare the management position is classified as <br />nonpublic data with regard to data not on individuals and as private data with regard to data on <br />individuals. <br /> <br />Personnel and Employment Data <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private/Public <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.43. <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Certain government data on individuals maintained because the <br />individual is or was an employee of or an applicant for employment by, performs services on a <br />voluntary basis for, or acts as an independent contractor with the City are public as set forth in <br />Minn. Stat. § 13.43, subd. 2. All other personnel data is private data on individuals but may be <br />released pursuant to a court order. Data pertaining to an employee’s dependents are private data <br />on individuals. <br /> <br />Protection of Employee or Others <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private/Public <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.43 subd 11 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: If it is reasonably necessary to protect an employee from harm to self <br />or to protect another person who may be harmed by the employee, information that is relevant to <br />the safety concerns may be released to (1) the person who may be harmed or to the person’s <br />attorney when relevant to obtaining a restraining order, (2) a prepetition screening team in the <br />commitment process, or (3) a court, law enforcement agency or prosecuting authority. <br /> <br />Salary Benefit Survey Data <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Nonpublic <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.435 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Salary and personnel benefit survey data purchased from consulting <br />firms, nonprofit corporations or associations or obtained from employers with the written <br />understanding that the data shall not be made public are classified as nonpublic data. <br /> <br />Undercover Law Enforcement Officer <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private/Public <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.43 subd. 5 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: All personnel data about an undercover law enforcement officer is <br />private until no longer assigned to those duties. Then, the officer is subject to the same rules <br />applicable to other employees unless the law enforcement agency determines that revealing the <br />data would threaten the officer’s safety or jeopardize an active investigation. <br /> <br />Public Safety Peer Counseling and Critical Incident Stress Management Data <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private