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<br />Appendix A-16 <br />data. Various child maltreatment classifications and requirements re-organized under Minnesota <br />Statutes Chapter 260E. <br /> <br />Civil Commitment Data <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 253B.185, subd. 1(b) <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Notwithstanding any provision of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, a <br />county attorney considering the civil commitment of a person may obtain records and data from <br />the City upon request and without a court order. <br /> <br />Corrections and Detention Data <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Confidential/Private/Public <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.85 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Data on individuals created, collected, used or maintained because of <br />their lawful confinement or detainment in state reformatories, prisons and correctional facilities, <br />municipal or county jails, lockups, work houses, work farms and all other correctional and <br />detention facilities are classified as private to the extent that the release of the data would either: <br />(a) disclose medical, ps ychological or financial information or personal information not related to <br />their lawful confinement or detainment or (b) endanger an individual’s life. Corrections and <br />detention data are confidential to the extent that the data would (a) endanger an individual’s life, <br />(b) endanger the effectiveness of an investigation authorized by statute relating to the enforcement <br />of rules or law, (c) identify a confidential informant, or (d) clearly endanger the security of any <br />institution or its population. <br /> <br />Crime Victim Notice of Release <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. §§ 13.871, subd. 5 (a), 611A.06 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: All identifying information regarding a crime victim, including a <br />victim’s request for notice of release and a notice of release made pursuant to Minn. Stat. § <br />611A.06 is classified as private data on individuals. <br /> <br />Criminal Gang Investigative Data System <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Confidential <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. §§ 13.6905, subd. 14, 299C.091 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Data in the criminal gang investigative data system are confidential <br />data on individuals as defined in Minn. Stat. § 13.02, subd. 3, but are accessible to law enforcement <br />agencies and may be released to the criminal justice agencies. <br /> <br />Criminal History Data <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private/Public <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.87 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Criminal history data maintained by agencies, political subdivisions <br />and statewide systems are classified as private, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 13.02, <br />subd. 12, except that the data created, collected, or maintained by the Bureau of Criminal <br />Apprehension that identify an individual who was convicted of a crime, the offense of which the