<br />WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute § 115A.94, et. seq. (hereinafter "Statute") authorizes a
<br />City to organize trash collection and creates a required procedure a City must follow; and
<br />WHEREAS, on March 6, 2023, the Mounds View City Council (hereinafter "Council"),
<br />directed City Staff to proceed with the research and planning process for establishing an
<br />organized collection system; and
<br />WHEREAS, on April 26, 2023, the City notified the public and all currently licensed
<br />collectors of its intent to consider organized collection; and
<br />WHEREAS, on May 31, 2023, the City held three public engagement sessions regarding
<br />organized collection to determine which services and other factors related to trash collection
<br />were important to residents; and
<br />WHEREAS, the City also conducted a survey of residents regarding organized
<br />collection to determine which services and other factors related to trash collection were
<br />important to residents; and
<br />WHEREAS, on June 26, 2023, the City invited all currently licensed collectors to a
<br />council meeting for a "meet and confer", pursuant to the Statute, regarding trash collection
<br />issues, where the parties discussed issues including but not limited to road deterioration, public
<br />safety, pricing mechanisms, and contractual considerations unique to organized collection; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Council discussed the citizen survey results and the feedback from the
<br />currently licensed collectors at work sessions held on July 5, 2023 and August 7, 2023; and
<br />WHEREAS, on August 14, 2023, the Council held a public hearing and directed staff to
<br />begin the mandatory 60-day exclusive negotiation period with currently licensed collectors, and
<br />outlined the priorities to guide the negotiations; and
<br />WHEREAS, on October 12, 2023, the City began negotiations and met with the currently
<br />licensed collectors on 7 separate occasions on October 12tn and 26tn, November 9th, 16tn, and
<br />30tn; December 14tn, and January 4tn; and
<br />WHEREAS, on January 8, 2024, the City Council established an organized collections
<br />options committee which met on January 17tn, January 24tn, and January 31 st, and
<br />WHEREAS, the City and the haulers continued to negotiate and met on 9 additional
<br />occasions, January 11 tt' 18tn and 25th, and February 5tn, 8tn 12tn 19tn 26m , and 27th, and
<br />March 5th; and
<br />WHEREAS, on March 6, 2024, the City Council held a work session where it heard an
<br />update on the negotiations from City staff and legal counsel and reviewed the price proposal,
<br />rate increase proposal, and a comparison of that proposal to what is being paid by current
<br />Mounds View residents and in other cities; and
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