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PARKS AND RECREATION AND FORESTRY COMMISSION <br />7:00 P.M. | MAY 23 ,2024 | MOUNDS VIEW CITY HALL <br />MEETING MINUTES <br /> <br />CALL TO ORDER at 7:00 PM <br />ROLL CALL: Commissioners: Anderson, Arel, Lillemo, Lundberg, Palm, Mills, Wake Wiesner <br /> Staff: Peterson | Thomas | Szurek *to be absent <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve by Palm. 2nd by Lundberg. Motion Passed 5-0 <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 25, 2024: Motion to approve by Lillemo, 2nd by Arel. Motion Passed 5-0 <br />PUBLIC INPUT <br />Citizens may speak to issues not on tonight’s agenda. Before speaking, please give your full name and address. Please limit your comments to three minutes. No residents present. <br />STAFF REPORTS <br />Parks and Recreation - Andy: See attached report: Fully staffed for summer programs. Searching for a fitness instructor. Summer hours change on Tuesday May 28. Hired two Activity and <br /> Inclusion Specialists to help with programming for children with special needs. What can we do to have better drainage for Oakwood fields and playground? A group is using the field <br /> on Saturdays without renting it and they are painting their own lines, which is confusing city staff. They are also leaving a bunch of garbage around the park. City Staff is trying <br /> to connect with them to provide direction. July is Parks and Rec Month so there will be some advertising of parks and programming. We are overdue for a new park video! <br />Public Works – Pete: See attached report. Splashdown will open tomorrow! There is a group that is moving a volleyball court and posting a VB net in the grass, wearing down the fields, <br /> and then moving to a different field. Adding latching doors for Lambert and Hillview ice rinks to close off entrances; and provide doggie poop bags with a garbage can. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Ball Field Improvements – IBL 18x18 Shed Request: Additional cost would be about $1000-1500 more. Motion by Lillemo to approve an 18’ x 18’ concrete slab at Silverview Park, for the <br /> shed to fit on including a drip line from the roof, resulting in a smaller than 18’ x18’ building. There needs to be a working agreement between the City and IBL, for regular maintenance <br /> of the building cost to IBL, and a rental fee for land use to be negotiated. 2nd by Palm. Motion Passed 5-0 <br />Joint City Council / Park, Recreation/Forestry Commission Meeting, June 3, 2024, City Council Work Session – Topics: Future Funding Options, Community Center review over the last 3-years, <br /> future Community Center plans and inclusive playground location. Meeting at 6:00 PM. <br />Park Tour – Select Park (s) for May Commission Meeting, to include tour of Public Works Facility, Lambert Park, and Hodges Park. Parks look pretty awesome! Lambert will need some wood <br /> chips and weed removal on the ball field. Some maintenance at Hodges Park around the building to level the concrete, and landscape around the sidewalk. Move the basketball hoop to the <br /> south side. Could use some paint on the outside and inside, and update the lighting, kitchen and bathrooms. Benches will be added to Hodges Park soon! <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Community Garden: Staff shared what other cities are doing including staff and budget. Possible partnership with Edgewood Middle School to expand their gardens. Are there grant opportunities <br /> available? We would need a water source. Consider a rental fee schedule and a deposit to keep if the “renter” does not clean it up in the fall. Can residents who participate in a community <br /> garden establish some sort of association to police themselves? Some residents showed interest in a MVCC survey for having a community garden. City Staff will reach out to residents <br /> who completed the survey and invite them to the PRF June meeting for input.