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PARKS AND RECREATION AND FORESTRY COMMISSION <br />6:30 P.M. | JULY 25 ,2024 | MOUNDS VIEW CITY HALL <br />MEETING MINUTES <br /> <br />CALL TO ORDER at 6:30 PM <br />ROLL CALL: Commissioners: Anderson, Arel, Lillemo, *Lundberg, *Palm, Mills, *Wake Wiesner <br /> Staff: Peterson | *Thomas | Szurek *to be absent <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve by Mills, 2nd by Lillemo. Motion passed 4-0 <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 27, 2024: Motion to approve by Lillemo, 2nd by Arel. Motion passed 4-0. <br />PUBLIC INPUT <br />Citizens may speak to issues not on tonight’s agenda. Before speaking, please give your full name and address. Please limit your comments to three minutes. No residents present. <br />STAFF REPORTS <br />Parks and Recreation – Don. Painting began at Hodges Park. Fall Program Brochure will come out next week and Fall Youth Leagues registration will open. Explore More Summer Camp has 5 <br /> more weeks and has 107% of last year’s enrollment. Seniors are looking forward to two fall trips. Pop up parks visits- hope to receive community engagement on park feedback. <br />Community Events: Walk in the Park (8/3), Festival in the Park Penny Carnival (8/16), Community Resource Fair (9/14), Community Bonfire (9/19), Puzzle Competition (10/12), Fall festival <br /> (10/24), Turkey Bingo (11/9) <br />Park Revenue: YTD total very similar from last year. See packet for details. <br />Public Works – Pete: July has been very busy. Soccer fields and ball fields maintenance and prep. General maintenance: mowers, weeding, mowing, trash clean up,. Ordered playground tamarack <br /> fiber fill for the playgrounds. Most of the playgrounds need some, some need more than others. <br />City arborist has been extremely busy with daily resident messages on ash and oak trees. If there is an ash tree in residents’ yards- residents can take it down and have the wood and <br /> store the wood. Ramsey county will take resident brush (but not city). <br />City Hall Campus: Splash Pad has been running but a lot of components have been running down and breaking. Props to the maintenance crew for working hard to make sure it has continued <br /> to be in working condition. <br />Greenfield park: have needed to replace two locks (one broken, one missing) <br />Oakwood park: the field is being heavily used, if it starts to deteriorate we may have to change plans for fall soccer. There are signs designating field use by permit only. Per Arel- <br /> parking looks to be an issue- no parking signs on mailbox side might alleviate issue. <br />Silver View Park: Hawk attacked maintenance worker that was removing buckthorn near the disc golf course. Resident also had hawk attack. Raptor center recommended carrying an umbrella <br /> or wearing a helmet near the area. The hawk is apparently trying to protect a nest. Resident put up a hawk warning sign. <br />Off-leash dog areas: No news is good news. They are being used but no complaint. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS