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6 <br />MU210\317\977365.v1-9/19/24 <br />F. Cannabis Events <br />A temporary cannabis event is a gathering organized by a licensed cannabis event organizer that <br />may last for no more than four days. <br />The process for these event coudl generally follow the normal process for handling similar events, <br />but the City could choose to require additional standards for temporary cannabis events, such as <br />prohibiting on-site consumption, limiting the hours or the events, etc. <br />Question: Does the City want to consider additional standards for temporary cannabis events? <br />V. NEXT STEPS <br />Any input provided will be used to draft the ordinances related to cannabis and hemp businesses. <br />Zoning changes must go through the zoning amendment process, while the registration and <br />operational ordinances will follow the general ordinance amendment process. If the OCM updates <br />its draft administrative rules, we will update the City with any additional decision points. <br />Please do not hesitate to reach out with any additional questions or specific concerns. If the Council <br />has additional specific questions in response to the enclosed “model”, please let us know. <br />Otherwise, we will draft ordinances for the city council and/or planning commission to review.