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<br />DOCSOPEN\KG400\1\970280.v5-9/13/24 <br />3 <br />DOCSOPEN\KG400\1\970280.v5-9/13/24 <br />(A) Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis based on the City <br />receiving a complete application and payment of all fees. <br />(B) The date a certification under XX.XX is issued will have no impact on the applicant’s <br />registration processing. <br />(C) Once an application is considered complete, the City Clerk shall inform the applicant as <br />such, process the application fees, and forward the application to the [insert authority] for <br />approval or denial. <br /> <br />XX.XX Retail Registration Limits <br /> <br />A) The City will issue one registration per 12,500 residents in the City, except that the City <br />will not issue any registrations if there is one registration per 12,500 residents in ____ <br />County. <br />B) The number of registrations available will be calculated by dividing the State <br />Demographer’s estimate of the City’s population by 12,500 and rounding up to the nearest <br />whole number. <br />C) The City will update the number of registrations available based on the most recent data <br />available from the State Demographer on January 1 and June 1 each year. <br />D) The number of registrations in the County will be based on the number of registrations in <br />the County on the day the application is received/the [-1 from deadline] day the application <br />is received. <br />E) If the number of registrations available within the City decreases based on the County <br />reaching the one per 12,500 threshold or the City’s population decreases below a previous <br />threshold, businesses with current registrations will be allowed to maintain and renew their <br />registrations but no new registration will be issued. <br />F) Registrations issued to businesses with a license preapproval will count toward the City’s <br />registration limit. <br />G) Businesses operating under a tribal compact entered into under Minnesota Statutes, section <br />3.9224 or 3.9228 and tribally issued licenses and registrations are/are not counted towards <br />the City’s registration limit and the County registration limit. <br /> <br /> <br />XX.XX Application. The applicant must submit a registration application or renewal form <br />provided by the City. The form may be amended from time to time by the City Administrator, but <br />must include or be accompanied by: <br />A) Name of the property owner <br />B) Name of the applicant <br />C) Address and parcel ID for the property for which the registration is sought <br />D) Certification that the applicant complies with the requirements of this Chapter <br />E) The fees as described in XX.XX. <br />F) Proof of taxes, assessments, utility charges of other financial claims of the city of the state <br />are current. <br />G) A copy of a valid state license or written notice of OCM license preapproval <br />H) [insert other standards] <br /> <br /> <br />Commented [JS7]: This process could be based on <br />other factors, but first come, first served seems the <br />simplest if there is a registration cap <br />Commented [JS8]: Optional <br />Commented [JS9]: The administrative rules provide <br />that the city’s estimates shall be determined by the <br />“most recent population estimates from the Minnesota <br />State Demographer.” This may imply that the city would <br />need to update the number as soon as the estimates <br />are released, but including this provision seems like a <br />good idea to put some order to this process. <br />Commented [JS10]: I recommending including the <br />date the City will receive/check the data from the <br />County. <br />Commented [JS11]: This provides businesses with the <br />ability to continue operating should the city’s population <br />estimate fall below a threshold. This is not required but <br />would result in less confusion. <br />Commented [JS12]: This is not addressed in the rules <br />or statute. This addresses a situation where a business <br />receives a license preapproval (which is good for 18 <br />months) and that business registers with the City. <br />During that 18 months, no businesses could register <br />and operate. The alternative would be to have a <br />business with an actual license supplant a license <br />preapproval which might not be allowed. <br />Commented [JS13]: City may, but are not required to <br />count these businesses towards a registration limit. <br />Determining this on the front end will help address <br />questions.