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<br />DOCSOPEN\KG400\1\970280.v5-9/13/24 <br />8 <br />DOCSOPEN\KG400\1\970280.v5-9/13/24 <br />(K) Temporary cannabis events shall only be held between the hours of (insert start time) and <br />(insert stop time). <br /> <br />(L) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 342.40, subd. 8, the City (prohibits/permits may <br />approve) on-site consumption of certain cannabis and hemp products, as provided in Minn. <br />Stat. 342.40, subd. 8. Subject to the following conditions: <br /> <br />i. [insert conditions] <br /> <br />Commented [JS27]: Optional <br />Commented [JS28]: Cities may prohibit, permit, or <br />restrict on-site consumption of cannabis and hemp <br />products at a cannabis event. <br />Commented [JS29]: These definitions can also be <br />consolidated. For example, Cannabis Microbusiness: <br />Retail; Cannabis Mezzobusiness Retail; Medical <br />Combination Business; and Cannabis Retailer can be <br />consolidated into a definition (e.g., Cannabis Retail <br />Business).