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ORDINANCE NO. 1020 <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MOUNDS VIEW CITY CODE <br />TITLE III: ADMINISTRATION, CHAPTER 33: ORGANIZATIONS, ECONOMIC <br />DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, SECTION 33.086 ORGANIZATION; MEETINGS <br />THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Mounds View hereby amends Title III: <br />Administration, Chapter 33: Organization, Section 33.086 Organization; Meetings, of the <br />Mounds View City Code by adding the underlined material and deleting the StriGken <br />material as follows: <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />33.086 ORGANIZATION; MEETINGS. <br />A) Organization. <br />1) At the first regular meeting of the year, the Commission shall appoint a <br />Chairperson from among its voting members. <br />2) This appointment shall be subject to Authority approval and shall consist of a <br />one-year term. The position of Chair shall rotate among members, with no <br />Commissioner serving in that capacity for more than two consecutive terms. <br />3) The Commission shall also elect a Vice Chair from among its appointed <br />members for a term of one year. <br />4) The Commission may create and fill such other offices from its members as it <br />may determine to transact Commission business. <br />B) Regular meetings. The Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting each <br />month as needed at a time which the Commission shall fix by resolution. <br />C) Special meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or by any <br />two members of the Commission by a written notice filed with the City Administrator <br />who then shall notify all members of the Commission of the time and date of the special <br />meeting, at least three days before the meeting date. <br />D) Quorum. A majority of the appointed voting Commission members shall <br />constitute a quorum. <br />E) Voting privileges. Each of the appointed members shall have equal voting <br />privileges. <br />F) Bylaws. The Commission shall adopt bylaws for its governance and for the <br />transaction of its business. The bylaws wM may be reviewed on an annual basis at the <br />first regular <br />meeting OR February-. or as needed.