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CITY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />RESOLUTION 14-052 <br />A RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE <br />2014 PRIMARY ELECTION <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota §204B.21, subd. 2; APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION JUDGES; <br />Appointing authority, powers and duties; states that Election Judges for <br />precincts in a municipality shall be appointed by the governing body of the <br />municipality; and <br />WHEREAS, appointment of Election Judges must be made at least 25 days before the election <br />at which the election judges will serve; and <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota §204B.19, subd.1; ELECTION JUDGES; Qualifications; the <br />individuals on "Exhibit A" meet the specified qualifications to be an Election <br />Judge. <br />The members of city staff that will be assisting with absentee voting and serve as "emergency <br />judges" are Phuongmai Dang, Robin Hartfiel, and Sandy Simon. The absentee ballot board will <br />consist of individuals from Exhibit A and city staff. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of St. Anthony Village <br />hereby appoints the Election Judges for the 2014 Primary Election. <br />Adopted this 8th day of july 2014. <br />ATTEST: <br />Barbara J. Suciu, City Clerk <br />Reviewed for Administration: <br />Jerome O. Faust, Mayor <br />Mark Casey, City Manager <br />WE <br />