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CC PACKET 07082014
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CC PACKET 07082014
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Last modified
7/7/2014 7:44:29 AM
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7/2/2014 1:53:53 PM
City Council
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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June 26, 2014 <br />Page 3 <br />Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 155 Sign Code, Section §155.03 defines an "Electronic Message Sign" <br />as "any sign that displays a message electronically through the use of pixel -based technology, such <br />as but not limited to light emitting diodes (LEDs), liquid crystal, etc. <br />CONCLUSIONS <br />Electronic message signs are only permitted in the ROS — Recreation Open Space Zoning District on <br />property that is owned by the city or Independent School District No. 282. Electronic message signs are <br />prohibited in all other locations. Currently there are three (3) electronic message signs located within <br />the City, including one at City Hall, one at Wilshire Park Elementary School, and one at St. Anthony High <br />School. <br />In 2008, the Sign Code was reviewed and updated based on the findings, purpose and intent and effects <br />as outline in the Chapter 155. Historically the City of St. Anthony Village has not approved text <br />amendments to allow electronic message signs on property that are outside of the ROS — <br />Recreation/Open Space Zoning District. In the past, the Planning Commission and City Council have <br />reviewed requests which included an analysis of the change in message (scrolling, flashing, blinking, <br />animations, etc.), colors allowed (monochromatic vs. array of colors), automatic shutoff and dimming <br />features, size limitations, message timing, placement and spacing between multiple electronic signs, etc. <br />The Applicant has expressed a desire to have an electronic message sign in front of their school only (as <br />opposed to in front of the school and the church buildings) on site. They have expressed a need to relay <br />information to the public as it relates to school activities and other ongoing announcements. Staff met <br />with and discussed with the Applicant on several occasions the fact that electronic message signs are <br />prohibited within the City of St. Anthony, and requests for text amendments to allow them have <br />historically been denied. <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on June 23, 2014 on this <br />request. A motion to approve the requested text amendment was made, but failed with a 2-2 vote. A <br />motion to deny the requested text amendment was made, but also failed with a 2-2 vote. <br />POTENTIAL ACTIONS <br />1. Request Additional Information and Continue the Meeting. Should the City Council request <br />additional information from the Applicant, or desire to modify the proposed language in any <br />manner, the City Council should continue the meeting until a later time. <br />2. Approval of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment. In the event of a decision for <br />approval (with or without modifications), the City Council may refer to Exhibit C and direct staff <br />to modify the draft ordinance to include any amendments that it deems necessary. The City <br />Council may also direct staff to bring the proposed ordinance back to the Planning Commission <br />for further discussion and study. <br />3. Denial of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment. In the event the City Council <br />chooses denial of the requested zoning ordinance text amendment, it should clearly state its <br />reasons for the denial recommendation and direct staff to prepare a resolution of denial for <br />consideration at a future City Council meeting. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Exhibit A: Location map <br />Exhibit B: Application and Supporting Material <br />Exhibit C: Draft Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance <br />23 <br />
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