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CC PACKET 07222014 Wilshire Park SRTS Plan
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CC PACKET 07222014 Wilshire Park SRTS Plan
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How to Use this Plan <br />This SRTS plan provides an overview of Safe Routes to School with <br />specific recommendations for a 5 E's approach to improve the safety, <br />health and wellness of students. The specific recommendations in <br />this plan are intended to support infrastructure improvements and <br />programs over the next 5 years. <br />It should be noted that not all of these projects and programs need to <br />be implemented right away to improve the environment for walking <br />and bicycling to school. The recommended projects and programs <br />listed in this plan should be reviewed as part of the overall and <br />ongoing Safe Routes to School strategy. Some projects will require <br />more time, support, and funding than others. It is important to <br />achieve shorter -term successes while laying the groundwork for <br />progress toward some of the larger and more complex projects. <br />This plan includes recommendations for infrastructure projects both <br />long and short term as well as programmatic recommendations. At <br />the heart of every successful Safe Routes to School comprehensive <br />program is a coordinated effort by parent volunteers, school staff, <br />local agency staff, such as, public health, law enforcement and <br />community advocates. The following paragraphs highlight the unique <br />contributions of key partners in Safe Routes to School. <br />Parents can use this report to understand the conditions at their <br />children's school and to become familiar with the ways a SRTS <br />program can work to make walking and bicycling safer. Concerned <br />parents or city residents have a very important role in the Safe Routes <br />to School process. Parent groups, both formal and informal have the <br />ability and the responsibility to help implement many of the <br />educational and encouragement programs suggested in this plan. <br />Parent groups can also be critical to ongoing success by helping to <br />fundraise for smaller projects and programs that are implementable <br />without significant contributions from the district or local agency. <br />Parents lead students on a walking <br />school bus from a "Park and Walk" site. <br />School district and school administrative staff can use this report Parents waiting in queue for students <br />to prioritize improvements identified on District property and at pick up play a significant role in <br />develop programs that educate and encourage students and parents to student transportation safety. <br />seek alternatives to single family vehicle commutes to school. <br />District officials are perhaps the most stable of the stakeholders for a Safe Routes to School program and have <br />the responsibility for keeping the program active over time. District staff can work with multiple schools to <br />share information, bringing efficiencies to Safe Routes programs at each school. In St. Anthony Village the <br />close proximity of multiple schools lends itself to a coordinated program. <br />4 1 Wilshire Park Elementary School Safe Routes to School Plan <br />
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