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Introduction <br />What is Safe Routes to School? <br />Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a program with a simple goal: helping more children get to school by walking <br />and bicycling. Envision active kids using safe streets, helped by engaged adults (from teachers to parents to <br />police officers), surrounded by responsible drivers. <br />Safe Routes to School programs use a variety of strategies to make it easy, fun and safe for children to walk <br />and bike to school. These strategies are often called the "Five Es." <br />• Education: programs designed to teach children about traffic safety, bicycle and pedestrian skills, <br />and traffic decision-making. <br />• Encouragement: programs that make it fun for kids to walk and bike. These programs may be <br />incentive programs, on-going events (e.g. "Walk and Bike Wednesdays") or classroom activities. <br />• Engineering: physical projects that are built to improve walking and bicycling conditions. <br />• Enforcement: law enforcement strategies to improve driver behavior near schools. <br />• Evaluation: strategies to help understand program effectiveness, identify improvements, and <br />ensure program sustainability. <br />Wilshire Park Elementary School Safe Routes to School Plan 11 <br />